What Do You Keep a Baby Cord at the Bank and Do You Really Need?


Medical Video: How umbilical cord blood could save your life

There are many things to think about and prepare for when you are going to give birth. One thing to think about before your baby's birth process is whether you will keep the baby's umbilical cord (also called the umbilical cord) or not. Yes, currently storing baby umbilical cord in a special bank is being discussed. Actually, what are the benefits of storing a baby's umbilical cord? Does every parent have to do it?

Store the baby's umbilical cord at birth so that it can be used as medicine in the future

The baby's umbilical cord is a channel that connects food and oxygen between the mother and the fetus when in the womb. So, actually taken from the umbilical cord is blood that is in the duct that contains stem cells (stem cell) Experts believe that these stem cells can help treat various chronic diseases.

Some clinical studies that have been done before stated that cord blood can help treat diseases such as autism, blood cancer, blood disorders, to several immune system disorders. However, this cannot be ascertained and guaranteed. Experts still need a series of further studies to develop the theory.

What is the procedure for storing umbilical cord in a bank?

This decision you should have taken with your partner when entering the third trimester of pregnancy. At that time, you have to decide and contact the umbilical bank section. This is done in anticipation of premature birth.

During labor, the doctor will cut the umbilical cord attached to the baby and draw blood from the severed cord with a syringe. At least 40 ml of blood will be taken. This depends on the condition of the mother, baby, and labor that has just been done. If the mother gives birth to more than one baby, then the blood in the umbilical cord may be less.

This procedure will not affect the health of the mother or baby and only takes about 5 minutes. Next, the blood will be processed in the laboratory, to separate the parts of the blood. From the process, finally the stem cells will be stored in a freezer with a temperature of around -196 degrees Celsius to keep the cells from being damaged. These frozen stem cells can last up to at least 10 years without experiencing damage.

Caring for Newborns

So, do I need to keep the baby's umbilical cord at the bank?

Actually, this goes back to each parent again. Storing cord blood is like making biological insurance that can be used later, for example when the baby experiences an illness. If indeed you are interested in doing this, think carefully. Here are the pros and cons of storing the umbilical cord that you can consider when storing the umbilical cord in a special bank, namely:


1. It could be a savior when a child or family member has a certain disease

Yes, there have been many studies that state that with stem cells in the baby's cord blood, it can treat several chronic diseases such as leukemia, cancer, blood disorders, autoimmune diseases, to several other metabolic disorders.

Each person has its own unique and characteristic cell, so when needed later, it is very difficult to find the right stem cells that match the body. However, if you have saved it, you don't need to worry about finding the right stem cells.

2. Does not cause health problems when the process is carried out

The procedure for taking cord blood is very short and does not have a bad impact on the mother or baby, so this method is considered safe.


1. Requires very expensive fees

Unfortunately, it's not cheap if you plan to keep the baby's umbilical cord in a special bank. Currently there are few umbilical banks in Indonesia and all offer fees that require you to reach a deep enough bag. Usually, the fees you have to pay are in accordance with the duration of stem cell storage you choose. The longer it is stored, the more costs will be incurred.

2. Not all children definitely need stem cells later on

In fact, not all children whose cord is kept in a bank will need it later. Mentioned in a study, the possibility for children to use stem cells that have been stored is between 400 to 200,000 events. Especially if in your family there is no history of certain chronic diseases such as leukemia or other blood disorders. Then maybe you and your family don't really need to do this.

3. There is no guarantee that treatment with stem cells can work

The thing you should know is that not all diseases can be cured with stem cells. There are a number of conditions that are caused by genetic mutations, such as spina bifida, which cannot be overcome through this method. The reason is, when a disease occurs due to a genetic mutation, it is likely that the stored stem cells also have a genetic mutation. So, this could be futile.

What Do You Keep a Baby Cord at the Bank and Do You Really Need?
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