Cooking Marijuana Leaves, Is It the Same Effect as Sucking Marijuana?


Medical Video: Smoking Marijuana vs. Eating Marijuana | Marijuana

History records that since 10,000 years BC, cannabis trees have been used as a cup to store valuable objects. Aside from being a place of storage, one of the benefits of marijuana is as a cooking spice. You must have heard that there are regional dishes that use marijuana as a cooking ingredient. Then, does cooking marijuana leaves have the same effect as smoking marijuana? Or even bring benefits? Find out in the following article.

How does the body process cooked marijuana?

The significant difference between smoking marijuana and cooking marijuana is how THC affects the body. THC is Tetra Hydro Cannabinol, which is the active compound found in Cannabis or Cannabis plants. When THC is used, either consumed or inhaled, THC binds to specific receptors in the human brain called cannabinoid receptors.

In low doses, these compounds can reduce pain, reduce aggression, stimulate appetite, and can help reduce nausea. While higher doses can cause "giting" or "high" (high), namely a feeling and perception that changes between space and time that creates a feeling of happiness.

There are two different types of THC metabolic processes depending on how marijuana is used. When sucking marijuana, THC will move from the lungs to the brain in a matter of minutes. The effect will come quickly, briefly, and then slowly disappear. This is the reason why marijuana suckers can suck marijuana for hours without any negative effects.

Unlike eating cooked marijuana, THC will move from the stomach then move towards the liver or liver. The liver will metabolize THC compounds before sending them to the bloodstream. This process will take longer to feel the effects of THC compounds. Sometimes it can take several hours or about 3 to 6 hours to be able to feel the effect.

Cooking cannabis leaves and eating them, what are the effects?

The impact of marijuana on each person is different. The effect of marijuana can also be very different depending on how cannabis is consumed. Usually marijuana is consumed by suction, and this is illegal in Indonesia. But in some countries that have legalized marijuana, cannabis can be consumed in various ways, one of which is cooked.

The name how to consume marijuana by cooking is called marijuana edibles. Label marijuana edibles this usually refers to marijuana which is cooked and processed into various food products and eaten. This is believed to be a new form of marketing for marijuana.

The effects of marijuana vary greatly, can be large or small depending on who uses it and how long the person uses marijuana. Sucking marijuana leaves or cooking marijuana leaves, the effect will remain and vary. A person's tolerance limit for consuming marijuana is very different.

Using marijuana may not be dangerous, but the effect of cannabis can affect the body and mind if it is continuously consumed in the long run. In Indonesia, in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 1997 concerning Narcotics, marijuana is included in narcotics Group I which if planted, maintained, owned, stored may be subject to a maximum jail sentence of 10 years and a maximum fine of Rp. . Do you still want to cook marijuana leaves?

Cooking Marijuana Leaves, Is It the Same Effect as Sucking Marijuana?
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