5 Special Ways to Reveal Love, Which Way Do You Use?


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There are some people who feel unloved just because their partners rarely say the phrase "I love you." You may also not be sure if your partner loves you just because he rarely can spend time with you. This often becomes the material of contention, even if the couple often separate because one another feels unloved.

Eits, wait a minute. Does love have to be expressed in a way like that? Everyone has a language of love, which is a way of expressing and interpreting different love. Not necessarily you are not loved, maybe your love language is different from your partner. Here are the five most common love languages.

Five languages ​​of love

A marriage counselor from the United States (US), Gary Chapman, Ph.D., has written a book entitled "The Five Love Languages" According to him, the love language of each person is usually formed when you are a baby. This is because since you were a baby, your parents have started to introduce what love is in their own ways. This is where your understanding of love begins to wake up. So when you grow up and meet other people, you expect other people to express their love just like your parents love you.

To find out which language you use to express love, see the five languages ​​of love according to Gary Chapman below.

1. Words and praise

Words like, "I love you," or, "You are so beautiful to wear that shirt," it seems simple. However, for those of you who express love in this way, the power of these words is so great.

Newberg and Waldman, in his book entitled Words Can Change Your Brain: 12 Conversation Strategies to Build Trust, Resolve Conflict, and Increase Intimacy, mentions that positive words are not just to express love, but can improve the functioning of your brain. In fact, the intensity of talking and listening to positive words that are more often than negative can activate the brain's motivation center, so that it can encourage you to take positive actions more often.

You may not expect to be given a gift by a partner or to be picked up while traveling. This is because you really prefer to hear sweet words from your partner. Maybe as a child you were often praised by parents or motivated by constructive words.

2. Physical touch

Touch is the first language that humans use to communicate. Touch does have an important role in social development and human behavior. In fact, the study found that children who lack physical and emotional contact are at a higher risk of behavioral, emotional and social problems when they are adults.

Studies conducted by Gulledge and Shahmann also found that touch is very important in creating and strengthening romantic relationships.

So, it's no wonder that many people express their love through touch. Smelling your head, holding hands or hugging may be the way you or your partner can show love.

3. Actions

Another way someone can feel loved is real action, that is by doing something for the sake of the couple. This is usually owned by someone who has difficulty expressing love in the form of words. You might prefer to deliver a couple shopping for hours rather than saying, "I love you."

For people who express love in the form of action, being helped by a partner is far more important than being praised or motivated by words. Suppose you are being chaseddeadlinework. You need your partner more to help buy food than to encourage you through words.

4. Give a gift

Gifts are often a symbol of expressing love. Many people are even willing to give gifts regardless of the price of the item. Though for people who express and interpret love through gifts, not prices or the value of the items that matter. What is important is your effort to think of a unique gift andpersonalmake it.

For example, you are walking out of town. Bringing souvenirs of his favorite food alone makes the couple happy because it means you remember him and his favorite food.

Dr. Jeral Kirwan, a psychologist from Ashford University in the US, mentions that there are psychological or emotional benefits between the giver or the recipient of the gift. Dr. Jeral also mentioned that giving a gift can increase feelings of satisfaction, so that it can strengthen relationships.

5. Spend time together

Busyness often makes couples rarely meet. Therefore, many couples have to separate because they cannot spend quality time together. If your partner's main love language is quality time, then he just wants you to spend time together, even if it's just lunch together.

People who prioritize quality time don't really need gifts or praise. They also may not be too concerned with actions such as being picked up. What's important is your effort to be with him.

5 Special Ways to Reveal Love, Which Way Do You Use?
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