Unique! There are people who are kiss phobias. What's the reason?


Medical Video: 25 Strange Phobias You May Not Know You Have

A kiss is often seen as a sign of love for a partner who is said to strengthen the harmony of a relationship. In fact, it is said, there are many benefits that can be obtained from kissing. Even so, it turns out there are some people who have kiss phobias, you know. This condition is known as philemaphobia. How could that be? Indeed, what is the reason?

Why is there someone who is a kiss phobia?

Fear and anxiety because you are not used to kissing are natural. You may be afraid of missteps and eventually make a partner ilfee.

However, this was very normal and almost felt by people who were kissing for the first time. Usually, this fear will disappear when you are getting better.

Uniquely, there are people who are really afraid of kissing, you know. In contrast to people who think that kissing is a pleasant experience, people who kiss phobias will instead argue otherwise, namely there is a feeling of extreme fear that tends to be unreasonable.

The most basic reason for kissing phobias is fear of mouth-to-mouth transfer of germs. Someone with philemaphobia will think that there are millions of bacteria that might move during kissing so that the risk of causing disease later.

Not only that, sometimes the feeling of disgust envelops the person who is a phobia of kissing because he imagines that he will come into direct contact with a partner's saliva. Factors of fear of bad breath, whether yourself or your partner, are other causes that can make someone experience a kiss phobia.

Although fairly rare, someone with philemaphobia also complains of fear of touch in an intimate form. For more severe cases, kiss phobias can come from bad experiences in the past. Or even been a victim of rape, sexual violence, or previous sexual abuse.

Source: EQW News

What symptoms are usually indicated?

Symptoms of every sufferer of philemaphobia are not always the same, but can vary based on the level of fear they experience. Some characteristics that usually occur, such as:

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Very fast breathing (hyperventilation)
  • A strong desire to escape or hide when he felt the sign of kissing began to appear
  • Excessive sweating, such as after doing strenuous activities
  • Sudden nausea

All these signs and symptoms can affect philemaphobia directly. Because, not only does the sufferer refuse to kiss, but it is also difficult to find the right partner and establish long-term relationships.

Actually, most people with philemaphobia realize that fear about kissing tends to be strange and unreasonable. However, they may still find it difficult to control their feelings. As a result, it is not uncommon for someone who has a phobia of kissing to feel depressed with the "shortcomings" he has.

Can a kiss phobia be cured?

You who have philemaphobia can breathe freely now because basically this one phobia can be cured. With a note, you must know in advance what are the main causes of this excessive fear.

If this phobia comes from previous experience, it usually does take a lot of courage and practice until your fear is completely gone. But in more severe cases, even to the point of being traumatic, you may need to do regular counseling with a therapist.

Later, the therapist will determine what treatment is appropriate for the severity of your phobia. On the other hand, you can help relieve this philemaphobia by diligently doing meditation, yoga, and tai chi. This activity is considered able to foster a person's confidence while reducing anxiety.

Unique! There are people who are kiss phobias. What's the reason?
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