9 Tips to Get Rid of the Opposition of Opium Gambling


Medical Video: Trading Addiction: Trading Like a Gambler! 🍀

For those who are addicted to gambling, winning or losing is not a problem. Because even if they win, they will continue to bet to find other victories. And if the bookie always wins, why don't you just risk everything because it's so wet?

Gambling addiction can ultimately destroy your life, financially, physically, emotionally, and socially. Gambling addiction doesn't even cause harm to the addict himself. The National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) in the United States estimates that bankruptcy, theft, domestic violence and neglect of children, confiscation of houses and other investments, and even suicide of nearby people are also related to gambling opium.

The tips below can help you or the person closest to you who is addicted to gambling to start eradicating the problem.

How to get rid of gambling addiction

1. Admit honestly that you are addicted to gambling

The first step towards freedom is to be introspective and openly accepting the fact that you are truly addicted to gambling. At first, addicts are usually trapped in the stage of denial. Emotional turmoil is very common in this period - one side of your personality can act rationally and admit that gambling destroys your life, while your dark side craves gambling with even more intense intensity.

"You have to face the fact that your gambling habits have gone out of control and, by heartfelt realization that you need to go back to the straight path, you will be better prepared to try to achieve it," said Liz Karter, an addiction therapist, gambling addict and Gambling writer Problem, quoted from Telegraph.

When it reaches a point where the problem has clearly plagued the lives of gamblers, they can usually stop trying to reject it.

2. Introspection of how your life has changed completely after gambling

Avoid reminiscing about past times of victory. Those days are gone, if there really is one. Now you just need to concentrate on how your gambling habits carry negative effects on your life. The only way to start climbing back from the problem caused by gambling addiction is to reflect on your current situation.

Start by listing all your debts. Include detailed payments in arrears, money borrowed from family and friends, credit card balances and cash, blank checks that you write, and debts you have to pay to the city. If you lose your home or are in the process of confiscation, prioritize this highest in your list. The same is true if your luxury items, such as cars, jewelry, or land, have been taken over as penalties in arrears.

Also reflect on how your physical health suffers from your gambling? Do you lose enough weight or even gain weight because of careless eating patterns and lack of exercise? Are you addicted to smoking, drugs, and / or liquor, as a gambling friend? Are you often depressed, anxious or afraid? Are you involved in self-justification or lying to cover up your actions? Are you filled with guilt and shame for the deterioration that has occurred in your family's life? Have you lost a friend, spouse, your job, failed to get a promotion or been demoted to office because of being caught gambling? Have you ever been arrested and arrested by the police while gambling, or been taken to court for domestic violence problems or have other legal problems as a result of your addiction?

Continue to complete your "list of sins." The goal is not to make you more preoccupied. This is a useful way to start forcing you to realize that gambling has negatively affected your life.

3. Find out why you actually gamble

Some common reasons people gamble include finding excitement and forgetting problems, seeking self-justification (that you are a superior person), getting extra money from winning, gambling helps you socialize, overcome depression or boredom, to rooted habits long ago without knowing the causes. Which is your reason?

In order to recover from gambling addiction, it's important for you to understand the reasons why you gamble. You cannot build the foundation of a healthy lifestyle until you know the exact reasons underlying your need to gamble.

4. Be honest with people you trust

You have to tell your friend or family member about your problem. By gathering the right support from the people around you, this will help strengthen and reinforce the existence of your rational side and turn off your gambling cravings. But indeed, being open to friends or family members about addiction is often the most difficult and worrying part of the entire recovery process.

Unlike other addictions, such as with drugs or alcohol, there are no physical symptoms and signs that directly say that someone might suffer from gambling addiction. This addiction is easy to hide and your close relatives You may never smell your problem.

Signs of gambling addiction are very vague and can be misunderstood as other trivial problems, such as starting to withdraw from social interactions, showing changes in moods, or no longer accustomed to doing hobbies and activities that you previously found pleasant. Other people can think you're sick, depressed, just exhausted and lazy, accusing you of having an affair.

But by telling your problem to others, both you and your trustee will feel better once the problem has been revealed clearly. "Maybe they suspect something is wrong because of your change in behavior, and in this way they will feel a little relieved that what they have been thinking is wrong - even though they are still worried about you," Karter added. In this way, you know that you will disappoint someone if you fail to resist temptation and relapse again to gamble.

5. Block your access to gambling

Block your access to the types of gambling that make you addicted, such as online gambling or soccer gambling, to those who need to come to the casino. Then, close all access to all and all forms of gambling. This will end your habits and - with the help of your trusted person - you will tend to stay away from gambling sites and applications than if you try to stop yourself.

This step will allow you to realize that gambling is not the right solution. Many people who gamble as a form of escape - an activity to divert their attention from stress and pressure in everyday life. However, in the end, you will realize that this is not a solution, and that there will be an inevitable loss that welcomes you at the end of the day.

6. Let go of your financial control

Ask the help of your trusted person to temporarily arrange all your finances, for example within a period of four weeks. By giving others control over your money, whether it's a bank account or credit card, your burden will be slightly raised and this will make it easier for you to continue living without the shadow of gambling.

During this time you are also advised to seek debt management assistance. The neglected debt only pushes the addictive cycle back on in itself (gambling to find money to pay debt). The habit of gambling to cover debts is one of the hardest habits to solve.

7. Look for other healthier activities

Closing your access to gambling sources will not immediately immediately eliminate your desire to gamble. So, like trying to beat other addictions, it's important to look for other healthier activities to keep your body and mind busy. For example with sports or taking skills classes. This method is also recommended to reduce the risk of gambling, which tends to worsen in the first weeks after gambling.

8. Get professional help

If the gambling sac is unbearable and you begin to feel stressed, depressed or anxious, consult your doctor.

The standard treatment for gambling addiction is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), where a therapist and addict work together face to face to change behavior and destructive thinking. CBT helps addicts build their willingness to cope with and develop cognitive skills to help them resist the desire to gamble, such as "fasting" gambling within a specified period of time before finally succumbing to the gambling urge. CBT also teaches gamblers how to deal with problems in their personal or financial lives, rather than finding a way out through gambling.

9. Get treatment

Like drug addicts who have become insensitive to the drugs they use, people who are susceptible to gambling addiction often have a hard time feeling the sensation of being "drunk" exactly when they first win money. In the end, chronic gamblers need to repeat more of these behaviors to be able to get the sensation he has been chasing so far.

Addiction is more or less affected by dopamine imbalance, which causes the above. To correct this dopamine imbalance, psychiatrists often prescribe SSRIs, antidepressants that affect the serotonin system. Another medication that is also prescribed is lithium, which is often used in cases where the person also has bipolar disorder, and opium antagonists such as nalmefene and naltrexone, which reduce the positive happy sensation associated with winning from gambling.

9 Tips to Get Rid of the Opposition of Opium Gambling
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