Afraid of Speaking Honestly to Parents? Here are 5 tips


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Talking to parents about what you are experiencing or feeling is not as easy as imagined. Because if it's easy, there will be no children lying to parents. And even though it's difficult, you still need to let your parents know about what you are experiencing and feeling.

Here are some tips that you can do to help you speak honestly with your parents.

1. The important thing is to start

If you feel your relationship with parents is not so good, then you really have to start! It's never too late to start, because the first thing you need to do to get started is to try to be brave and defeat fear.

Don't hesitate or be embarrassed, because after all, your parents are the first people who will be there for you - no matter how difficult the situation is. They will even be happy if you speak honestly with them. And whatever their reaction to what you are talking about, don't be afraid! Because their reaction is clear evidence of their concern for you.

Tips: You can start with a light conversation. This can keep you connected, making it easier for you to switch to other, larger topics.

2. You need to know what to talk about and who you are talking to

Make sure the message you want to convey is clear so that they know how you feel and what you want. You need to prepare what you want to say; no need to prepare thoroughly, just prepare important points to make it easier because this will help you in starting and conducting a conversation.

And if you already know what you are going to say, you need to know who you are going to talk about. Is it to father, mother or both?

Tips: You can talk to your father, mother, or anyone who makes you feel comfortable talking about it. And to start a conversation, you can start with, "Father / Mother, I need advice, here."

3. Choose the right time and place

Although trivial, but to talk about something bad or will make your parents upset, angry, or disappointed you need to choose the right time and place. You are not recommended to talk about bad news when your parents want to go to work, are working, or doing certain activities.

Tips: Wait when your parents are relaxing or while gathering in the main room.

4. Say what needs to be said

Tell clearly to help parents understand your situation. Explain what you think, feel and want. Make it a habit to talk honestly with your parents, because lying will actually make it difficult for your parents to believe what you say.

Listen when your parents talk; and if you disagree with their opinions, say in a polite and refined manner. This can help them to know what you are thinking.

Tips: You may speak when you disagree with the opinions of parents, but you still need to listen carefully when your parents talk, so that they know that you understand what they are talking about. Do not let you clash an argument that actually makes the atmosphere chaotic.

5. Get used to talking about good things

It's good if you don't just talk bad things about your parents. You can talk about things that you do or get today, funny jokes from your friends, activities you do, and the like. This can help maintain a good relationship between you and your parents.

However, what if the method doesn't work?

The relationship of each child and parent is certainly different, so that this method cannot be fully successful for everyone. Therefore, if that way you still can't talk to your parents, look for other adults you can trust. Find anyone, whether you are a relative, teacher, uncle, or aunt who can listen, understand, care, and trust you to help you deal with what you experience and feel.

Afraid of Speaking Honestly to Parents? Here are 5 tips
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