5 Ways to Don't Return to Alcohol


Medical Video: James Swanwick How to Stop Drinking Alcohol, Tips & Motivation

When you have stopped drinking alcohol, there are times when you will again get the temptation to drink alcohol again. It could be the temptation to drink alcohol coming from your friends, it could also be from where you eat that happens to have alcoholic drinks, or it could also come from yourself.

In order not to go back to drinking alcohol, in addition to rehabilitation and consulting a doctor, you must have a commitment in yourself to truly stop and will no longer be tempted to drink alcohol.

There are several ways you can do so that you do not go back to drinking alcohol, as in a report published by the National Institutes on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (Institution under the National Institutes of Health of the Department of Health and Community Services, United States), through Rethinking Drinking, that is:

1. Make a plan to control yourself

Even if you decide to stop drinking alcohol, social pressure from friends to keep drinking can make it difficult for you to prevent it or actually stop. So you still have to be in control, know how to prevent the offer. If you already know how to deal with offers to drink alcohol, you will remain in control and will know how to deal with the pressure to drink alcohol at a later time.

2. Know the two types of temptations to drink alcohol

You must know and be aware of the two types of temptation to drink alcohol, precisely in social pressure directly or indirectly.

  • Direct social pressure is when someone offers you alcoholic drinks or an opportunity to drink alcohol.
  • Indirect social pressure is when you feel tempted to drink alcohol just because you are with your friends who drink alcohol, even if no one offers you to drink alcohol.

3. Avoid the temptation to drink alcohol when possible

For some situations, your best strategy might be to avoid temptation altogether. If you feel guilty about avoiding or canceling appointments to meet your friends (where there is the possibility of a big temptation to drink alcohol), you can change the location to hang out in a place that does not sell alcohol. You can still make your friendship by doing other activities that do not involve or present alcohol.

4. Overcome situations that you cannot avoid

When you know that there will be alcohol drinks while at an event or are hanging out with friends, it is important to have a survival strategy for the situation. If you are offered alcohol, you can immediately say "No thanks". In addition to answering clearly and firmly, you also still need to maintain a friendly and respectful attitude. Avoid long explanations and convoluted reasons. You need to remember:

  • Do not hesitate.
  • Look directly at people who offer alcohol and look into their eyes for confirmation.
  • Keep your answers short, clear, and simple.

If you are confused what to say to friends or other people who offer you to drink alcohol, as quoted from the report University of Illinois Springfield, there are a few sentences you can say to them if you no longer drink alcohol:

  • "No, thank you!" (No need for explanation, your response can be short, smooth, and direct)
  • "That's enough." (Same as above, short, to the point and really acceptable)
  • "Thank you, but I have a lot of work, here"
  • "I just drink soda, thank you."
  • "I'm allergic to alcohol."
  • "I drive tonight."
  • "I have a match / exam / meeting tomorrow morning"
  • "My drink is still there" (while holding a non-alcoholic drink)
  • "No, thank you, I'm taking medicine. So you can't drink alcohol. "
  • "Again, diet, alcohol has lots of calories."

5. Remember, this is your choice

Everyone who decides to stop drinking alcohol usually thinks, "I can't drink alcohol anymore." Thoughts like this can keep someone "clean" from alcohol and this is important as a challenge for yourself. Your life, if you are in control, including in matters of stopping and avoiding drinking alcohol, and changing your life to live a better and healthier life. Remember, this is your choice and this is your life, your decision must be respected.


  • Effect of alcohol on heart health
  • Relationship to alcohol and high blood pressure
  • 10 of these have been proven to damage sperm
5 Ways to Don't Return to Alcohol
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