Apparently, Narcissists Hate to See Others Happy. Are You the One?


Medical Video: Narcissists Just Hate Seeing Others Happy And Here Are 6 Psychological Reasons For This

Many experts think that narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is one of the three main characteristics of personality disorder. Narcissistic personality disorder is owned by 1% of the world's population. Someone who has a narcissistic personality, his ego is so big that they are only selfish. Narcissists also crave to be constantly admired by others. In addition, they also feel hatred when they see or hear other people happy - or more successful than themselves. Why is that, huh?

Narcissists hope to be adored and difficult to accept criticism

People who have narcissistic personalities are often described as being arrogant, manipulative, and thirsty for praise.

Narcissism is often based on very fragile self-esteem which is influenced by fear of failure or fear of showing weaknesses, and feelings insecure (unsafe; anxious; restless) that is embedded in the mind towards self-incompetence.

To cover insecuritythe aforementioned, the narcissistic person shows a level of self-confidence that is very out of line with a healthy self-confident attitude. This will foster the idea that he is the best and invincible, most special, so they feel very confident that they deserve to be admired and get special treatment from those around him.

But because of his fragile self-esteem, narcissists easily feel underestimated and cannot accept criticism, even those who build once, so they will try hard to bring down their opponents in order to outperform the others.

All of these negative characteristics look consistent in their lives, both in the work environment and social relationships.

Why are narcissistic people hate to see other people happy?

characteristic of selfish narcissistic people

So why do narcissistic people hate to see other people happy? Narcissism encourages jealousy and unhealthy competition so that narcissistic people have no sense of empathy, aka caring and compassion for others. They may show remorse, pity, or generosity, but only as a cover for getting plus points from the community; do not want or fail to make a real change in his attitude.

That is why they cannot feel true and sincere happiness that comes from the heart. Thirst for recognition and praise from others will trigger jealousy and envy of others, while believing that other people are jealous of him.

As a result, when seeing other people happy or successful, narcissistic people will feel disturbed and threatened by their existence and prestige because they feel that they are unable to achieve the same, or better happiness, as achieved by others. In fact, they feel very confident they deserve it. When seeing other people achieve it all, narcissists feel jealous and also angry.


In addition, the lack of empathy for narcissistic people makes one look at the eyes of various efforts that have actually been done by others to get something. They actually assume that the situation is not fair to him so that the person is not worthy of happiness for any reason.

If someone else is happy and continues to grow, their pride will be threatened because they continue to compare themselves with that person. Even in extreme cases, people with narcissistic personalities can make various kinds of arbitrary attempts to overthrow you, such as by slandering and intimidating when they feel threatened. He did all this cheating to prove that he deserved to be recognized as someone superior.

Conversely, when seeing other people fail or get worse, narcissists actually feel very happy because the situation supports the idea in his mind that is someone who is better than the people around.

Apparently, Narcissists Hate to See Others Happy. Are You the One?
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