Helping Stuck Friends in Possessing Relationships that Restrain


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Do you have friends or family members who are in a relationship that your partner is holding back? Or even your friends or relatives are isolated from the surrounding environment? This relationship can continue to the stage of domestic violence or even abuse. You as a friend or relative who knows you must help and direct your friends

You must understand the position of the victim first

It's hard to see someone you know suffering in the hands of their own partner. You may also feel like saving the victim and reporting the perpetrators to the authorities.

But, this is not easy to do. Without the evidence and recognition of the victim concerned, it will only describe the existence of slander or just an issue. You can understand the position of the victim first, then you know what can and will be done afterwards.

5 steps you can take when helping victims of restrained relationships

  1. Do not immediately judge the victim

First, let the victim know that you know and are worried about the situation. Over time, if you can get closer and learn about your friend's relationship, then you can say your worries and views on the relationship that your friend lives.

2. Ask what you can help

At this stage, you still cannot take over the decisions that will be made.Especially if the victim has a child in a relationship. Usually, they are even more concerned about the final results or circumstances when they separate.

If you offer help, the form can be in the form of offering lodging or some money. In essence, ask what you can do to make their lives easier and give them the strength to get out of the restrained relationship.

3. Avoid telling the victim what to do

Remember, people who can overcome this problem are themselves, not you. Because they are experts and cast on the relationship that is being lived. Only the victim can judge the best way to save himself.

You can still help by listening attentively to the victims' stories. To help him, you need to know all the victims' stories in full, and usually this takes a short time.

In addition to hearing the complaints of the victim, you can also slip strength by offering a book or reading on the subject of coercion in a relationship. That way, it is expected that the victims will be inspired and find a way out through the books they read.

4. Let the victim express his feelings without your criticism

Victims may still love and miss their partners, even believing that their partners still love them.Victims may also wonder how they can survive without their partners. With all the worries that exist, you can convince the victim that all these feelings are normal and will disappear slowly.

It is also important to hold back your emotions, do not criticize anything that is poured out by the victim. Because, the victim will feel embarrassed and not tell you more.Remember, the victim may return to the offender. If they do, you want them to feel comfortable to keep in touch with you.

5. Encourage victims to seek counseling assistance

After you can "control the victim", suggest them to seek professional help. Especially if the cases experienced involve physical violence. Suggest to make an appointment with counseling, a lawyer or a psychotherapist. They may also be helped by consulting professionals. Let them choose to use their instincts and beliefs

Helping Stuck Friends in Possessing Relationships that Restrain
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