Prevent Yourself from Being a Bully Victim in the Maya World


Medical Video: Ways to Stop Bullying

The era with high technology does not mean that it can minimize the existing social crimes, instead it creates new problems related to digital technology. Yes, you all must be familiar with the case cyberbullying aka oppression in cyberspace that has been rampant in recent years. How to prevent cyberbullying so it doesn't happen? Good, you see the following brief explanation below.

What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is a harsh treatment carried out by a person or group of people, using the help of an electronic device, which is repeated and continuously on a target that is difficult to defend himself. Cyberbullying occurs when a child, teenager or even an adult uses the internet, email, text messages, instant messages, social media sites, online forums, chat roomor other digital technology to harass, threaten or humiliate others.

Cyberbullying does not require physical strength or face-to-face contact, and is not limited in time. This can be done by anyone and done with only an internet connection or cellphone. Sometimes the perpetrators cyberbullying do not have to reveal their true identity. Perpetrators can also "torture" their victims 24 hours a day and be able to follow victims anywhere, causing feelings of insecurity with comments or insulting posts that can be seen by hundreds or even thousands of people online, which will cause psychological damage to victims.

One case of cyberbullying that causes death

In October 2012, Amanda Todd, a 15-year-old girl, committed suicide due to being bullied on the internet. It all started when he met a man on the internet who managed to persuade him to show his breasts via webcam.

A year later, the man spread photos topless Amanda via the Internet, even made a Facebook account that made Amanda's semi-naked photo as her profile picture. That made many people bully Amanda, including through other famous joke accounts, even making Amanda ridiculed at school and in her neighborhood.

A month before suicide, Amanda uploaded a video on YouTube containing her sad life story. In the end Amanda was found dead as a result of an overdose of the antidepressant she consumed.

How to prevent cyberbullying from happening to you?

  • Protect your account.
  • Ignore, don't respond to what the perpetrator says and don't reply by doing the same thing again. Saying something bad back, posting something embarrassing, or revenge might only make the problem worse or even put you in trouble.
  • Never share any personal information about you online. If you do this, this will only make the perpetrator have a larger area to bully you.
  • Record. Record or capture words that you think could be proof of bullying. The more evidence you have, the stronger you are to prevent and stop cyberbully
  • Block and report things that make you uncomfortable with the internet server. If you experience cyberbullying and threaten you, contact the police, parents or other adults as soon as possible.
  • Be sympathetic and always remember if you are in someone else's position. People who are victims of bullying will go through a difficult time and they will need a lot of help and support.
  • Don't reply to messages with emotion. Think before you send a message. Spontaneous and emotional messages can turn into painful words of ridicule. Posting emotional words will only make the actor happy.
  • Delete messages from unknown people. If you don't know who the sender is, no matter how curious you are, delete the message for the security of your internet account and yourself.
  • Especially for parents, always accompany and supervise your child in socializing on the internet. Not everything related to technology will be fine. The need for guidance and a high level of alertness to prevent people you love become victims.
Prevent Yourself from Being a Bully Victim in the Maya World
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