Weather Conditions Determine Your Mood Throughout the Day


Medical Video: How the weather affects our mood

Mood is easy to change for some people. However, there are also those who associate weather changes with one's mood. Maybe some of you have felt very happy in the morning, then when the day is very hot, mood You change instantly. Can it really be like that? Can weather really affect your mood? Check out the answers from the following researchers.

The relationship between weather and mood

A study published Journal Acta Paedopsychiatrica involving 16,000 students in Switzerland. In the study, 18 percent of boys and 29 percent of girls responded negatively to certain weather conditions. Certain weather can indeed trigger symptoms such as fatigue, mood swings, and irritability.

A study published on Psychological Science in 2005, studied the relationship between mood and weather. The research conducted on 605 participants was divided into three separate studies. Researchers found that sunny weather was related to mood more cheerful, better memory, and more open minded during the spring because they spend more time outdoors.

The results of this study prove the influence between changes in weather and a person's mood. In fact, the temperature and pressure of the air, the speed of the wind, sunlight, rain, and the length of the day can affect your mood. This condition is known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or seasonal mood disorders. SAD is a type of mild depression associated with seasonal changes. SAD starts and ends at the same time every year. SAD can be the cause of weather affecting your mood.

SAD generally occurs in countries with four seasons. However, there is still a possibility that SAD will occur in countries that have two seasons, such as Indonesia. In four-season countries, SAD symptoms usually appear in the fall and continue into winter. Usually this condition can cause depression in the spring or early summer.

drizzle makes me sick

How does weather affect your mood?

1. Sunny weather

According to a study published British Journal of Psychology, sunny weather can cause feelings of happiness and make the body feel fit. Increased air temperature can also increase one's enthusiasm.

In addition, sunny weather can reduce anxiety. The presence of serotonin in sunlight can control emotions associated with memory, depression, and sleep. Serotonin can increase when the weather is sunny and this is what has a positive impact on your mind.

However, sunny weather can also make people more aggressive. In a published study Science, researchers report that as temperatures increase, the frequency of violence against other people increases by four percent, and conflicts between groups are 14 percent.

This aggressive nature can also have negative effects, such as an increase in suicide. One study reported that during the beginning of summer or sunny weather, the incidence of suicide increased. Very sunny weather is considered a hopeless season for those who are depressed.

2. Humid weather

Humid weather has a negative impact on human emotions such as compassion and enthusiasm. Humid weather makes your mind and body weak and prevents you from doing anything. In addition, this weather also affects your concentration and makes you sleepy easily.

3. Cold weather

When the weather is cold, there is little sun and the temperature drops dramatically. So that the levels of serotonin in your body will also decrease. Even serotonin production in winter is only half of summer. When serotonin levels decrease, you will feel upset.

4. Rainy weather

People have different reactions to rain. Some people may enjoy when the rain falls, some people may feel depressed and disturbed by the rain. However, indeed sometimes rain that continues to fall for several days will be annoying.

When the rain falls, the sky becomes cloudy and even dark, so for some people feel lazy to do anything or sleepy. This is caused by increased production of melatonin in the body. Melatonin is synthesized from serotonin, in the absence of sunlight. Melatonin causes you to sleep easily. So, it's true that the weather can affect your mood.

Hmm ... Have you checked the weather forecast today yet?

Weather Conditions Determine Your Mood Throughout the Day
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