Why were there many unexpected suicide cases before?


Medical Video: 5 Sad & Shocking Celebrity Suicides.

Suicide has long been a polemic in Indonesia. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is often underestimated. Even though the high number of suicides in Indonesia should not be underestimated. According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) report, there were at least 812 suicides in the entire territory of Indonesia in 2015. Different from the data collected by the World Health Organization (WHO). Based on WHO estimates, the 2012 death toll from suicide in Indonesia was 10,000.

The real number on the field might actually be even higher. This inequality is basically not an error of profiteering reports from each institution, but comes from the fact that suicide is not a disease that can be easily "predicted" through the presence or absence of symptoms so that the possibility that things in front of our eyes cannot be clearly seen. "Why did he suddenly commit suicide?"

In fact, suicide in general is an action carried out on the basis of emotional outbursts and without thinking with a decision that was only made a few minutes or hours before - but may save a reason that settles long in the soul, far alienated from the knowledge of others.

What is the reason for suicide?

Every suicide is a unique case, and no one will really know what is the main reason behind it, even experts.

There are many logical reasons why someone might want to end his own life. Most people who attempt suicide have mental illness. More than 90 percent of people who commit suicide have mental disorders, whether it's depression, bipolar disorder, or other diagnoses. Chronic illness, substance abuse, trauma of violence, socio-economic factors, and breaking up with love are common causes of suicide.

But suicide itself is not rational - especially for those of us who look at it from outside glasses. Human instincts are designed in such a way as to always prioritize personal safety, and this desire to protect themselves encourages the idea that life must be taken good care of in all ways.

On the contrary, for those who are thinking of ending their lives, they think their problems and pain will disappear by trying to commit suicide. "For reasons that we don't fully understand, some people experience so much despair and pain that they believe that they better just die," Dr. John Campo, head of psychiatry and behavioral health at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, was quoted from Live Science.

We all face problems in life. One difference is that among the individuals who decided to end their own lives, their problems caused tremendous pain or despair so they could not see the other way out. Basically everyone has an instinct to survive in this world. It's just that depending on what is believed, the body and mind will follow. If he believes that he will not be able to live, then his body will also respond with apathy - like a time bomb that counts down.

People who try to kill themselves may not be able to adapt to their life problems

Basically, the complexity of the problem experienced and mental strength can vary from person to person. Many people think that the problem they face is heavier than others, even though when viewed from a broader external perspective, there are many people outside who face similar and even more severe problems than themselves. A person's response to stress and problems also varies. There are those who remain optimistic when he is hit by many problems. Some are pessimistic, feel unable to bear all the burdens that he must bear so that his life is meaningless.

In a sense, this failure to adapt often becomes one of the driving forces for people who appear to be "successful" in trying to commit suicide. Healthy perfectionism should reflect a positive effort towards achievement; once it fails, you get up to keep trying again and again, but still be able to admit mistakes and lower standards if needed. But for some people who have a "flawed" perspective, their behavior reflects concerns about the judgment of others and the great fear of failure when trying to achieve grandiose ideals that cannot be achieved.

They do not have a healthy mindset that is needed to adjust their mental outlook, even when their situation instructs them to adapt. Instead, they stick to the evil cycle of "do more, do better, don't fail, don't let go, don't do more, do better, don't fail, don't let your guard down, don't relax," and never allow themselves for a moment to make peace.

The desire to commit suicide is often not wanted by others

Some people who commit suicide may have obvious mental problems, such as depression or addiction. Many are also triggered by feelings of anger, despair, anger, or intense panic. Meanwhile, there are also many suicides that do not reveal any concrete reasons or symptoms. Many people who seem happy, successful, and have a perfect life decide to end their lives for no reason known to even the closest people.

During his lifetime, these people seemed to be fine and could lead a normal life like everyone else, neither suffering nor hurt. But that's really only because they are very good at covering up their problems. Right behind their "happy" appearance and behavior they are saved a vortex of emotional conflict and mental chaos. They can very much look at maintaining the appearance in order to adjust to the outside environment and expectations of others. They can always look charming, happy, and successful outside even if their souls are dying inside.

Many people never let other people know what they feel or plan. This may be based on the unwillingness to disappoint others, the unwillingness to be judged for their desperate actions, or the unwillingness of their plans to be thwarted. "People who intend to commit suicide know that they must save and obey their own plans if they will take such actions," Dr. Michael Miller, assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

This is why it will be very difficult for people around to know what really happened to these people. They are very good at hiding their wounds. You will think you really know them. You might even believe that your connection and he are very close to his own family when suddenly, they commit suicide.

Signs of people who want to try suicide don't always seem obvious to people around

Some suicides (and suicide attempts) do not come suddenly without symptoms. Some people - even those who are hesitant to commit suicide - can consciously or unconsciously give guidance to others around them as their efforts to ask for help.

According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (ASFP), between 50 and 75 percent of people who attempt suicide have expressed thoughts, feelings and suicide plans before committing the reckless action. But unfortunately, these warning signs of suicide often go unnoticed. The belief of ordinary people that suicide is a taboo thing to talk about and is an attitude of disrespect for religion is the most common cause.

But what many people don't know is that in fact by talking about suicidal intentions and other sadistic things related to their efforts, suicidal people are asking friends to help and prevent them from acting recklessly. "They want to live, but they want to die," Campo said. "The people are in confusion. They are in pain. "But they do not know what and what to do.

Here are some behaviors that can make friends and family know that he is at high risk for attempting suicide (adapted from HelpGuide.org):

  • Talking about suicide: A statement like "I better die", "The family will live better if without me in the world", or "Someday we will meet again later ..."
  • Looking for suicide: Trying to get access to weapons, sleeping pills, rope, knives, or other objects that can be used for suicide attempts.
  • There is no hope for the future: Feelings of helplessness, despair, and trapped, or believe that everything in his life will never improve.
  • Self-hatred: Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, shame, and self-hatred; statements like "I wish I had never been born into this world", or "I hate myself,"
  • Giving "inheritance": Giving away his valuables, spending special time in his last days for family members, or giving advice to people around
  • Say goodbye: Visits or phone calls to family and friends that seem unusual or unexpected; Say goodbye to people as if they won't meet again.

People who show these signs often express their suffering, hoping to get a response. Each of the behaviors and signs they show is very useful information that should not be ignored. Your help is very valuable and might save one life. Studies show that once a deadly method of suicide is prevented, many do not look for other ways to end their lives.

Get help if the person closest to you wants to commit suicide

Knowing the reasons and reasons why someone wants to commit suicide is no guarantee that you will stop the desperate action in time. What we can take from this article is that suicide is against predictions. However, this is the beginning. Hopefully this will at least increase your awareness that suicide is a serious phenomenon, and you can prevent it before it's really too late.

We all have problems in life, but it's good that we also have to start caring more and paying attention to the people closest to us who are signs of difficulties, fears, and suffering that they might experience.

If according to you there is a family member or closest friend who wishes to try suicide, contact the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Directorate of Mental Health Services Directorate at 021-500-454 or emergency number 112. The counselor is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This service is available to anyone. All calls are confidential.

Why were there many unexpected suicide cases before?
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