4 Habits That Make You At Risk for Ovarian Cancer


Medical Video: 5 signs of ovarian cancer

Often the symptoms of ovarian cancer are not known for symptoms and signs if they are still in the early stages. Therefore, it is rare to find cases of ovarian cancer that are still in the early stages. This cancer is a cancer that is ranked in the top 7 most experienced, and causes death in women. Sufferers have a 5-year survival rate of 30 to 50 percent.

What is ovarian cancer?

Ovarian cancer is a cancer cell that grows in the tissue that forms the ovary, aka the ovary. Ovarian cancer is a cancer that is ranked in the top 7 most experienced and causes death in women. It is estimated that there are 239 thousand new cases that emerged in 2012 in the world.

There are several cells that make up the ovary that can be overgrown by cancer, namely epithelial cells that are builders of the outer tissue of the ovary, stomal cells aka connective tissue that make the ovaries bound together, and germ cells namely reproductive cells that can produce eggs for fertilization .

What are the habits that make a woman more at risk of ovarian cancer?

SAnd like other types of cancer, other cancers of ovarian cancer are also still not known exactly what causes it. But various theories have stated that there are indeed risk factors that can affect the incidence and risk of ovarian cancer.Here are habits that can increase ovarian cancer if you do it.

1. Let yourself be obese

One of the risk factors for ovarian cancer is being obese. Obesity is defined as a state of excess nutrition which is usually determined by a body mass index of more than 27 kg / m2. Various studies have stated that obesity can increase the risk of ovarian cancer in women. For example, research carried out for approximately 13 years in 64,327 obese women in Japan. From the results of these studies it is known that indeed women who are obese have a high enough risk of ovarian cancer.

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2. Don't use birth control pills

Family planning pills or family planning are not just to control the number of offspring to an individual and reduce population numbers in the community. However, birth control pills are considered to prevent and protect women from ovarian cancer. A reduction in the risk of ovarian cancer can be seen when you have taken birth control pills for about 3 to 6 months. The longer the birth control pill is consumed, the lower the risk for ovarian cancer. In fact, this condition still occurs even though the consumption of birth control pills has been stopped for a long time.

One study found that women taking the medroxyprogesterone acetat (DMPA or Depo-Provera Cl) drug, a type of birth control pill, proved to reduce the risk of cancer even though the woman had stopped taking the drug for 3 years or more.

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3. Do an unhealthy diet

Diet is a thing that greatly affects health, fitness, and determines the quality of one's life. People who apply an unhealthy diet can be said to be at risk for various degenerative diseases, including cancer. Many studies have stated that eating foods high in fat, sugar, and salt and low in fiber can cause ovarian cancer. This is evidenced in a study conducted over 4 years which stated that consumption of foods that are low in fat turned out to reduce the risk of cancer.

Some other studies also mention women who consume high-fiber diets have a lower risk than those who don't often consume fiber sources. The American Cancer Society recommends eating a variety of healthy foods with various types of vegetables and fruits. At least consume 2.5 glasses for each fruit and vegetable in a day, and if you can replace your carbohydrate source with wheat that contains lots of fiber. Not to forget also to limit red meat and processed food.

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4. Smoking habits

No need to do proof again, maybe everyone agrees that smoking is one of the main causes of cancer. Although smoking is the main cause of lung cancer in the world, but this habit can still lead to various types of cancer, including ovarian cancer in women. This statement is evidenced by the results of a study conducted on 910 women who had ovarian cancer.

At the end of the study it was found that most women had a smoking habit, therefore it can be concluded that smoking is one of the risk factors that adequately affects the incidence of ovarian cancer.

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4 Habits That Make You At Risk for Ovarian Cancer
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