4 Important Facts About Labia, Women's Vaginal Lips


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Labia or vaginal lips are a fold of skin that forms the vulva on the outside of the female genitals. Well, this vaginal lips has two different parts, namely the labia majora (outer vaginal lips) which has a thick and slightly fatty contents, and the labia minora (inner vaginal lips) that are thin and smaller in shape.

Labia has an important function in a woman's body, which is to protect. The function of the labia majora is to protect the internal organs of the vagina, while preventing vaginal opening in addition to sexual activity. While the function of the labia minora is to protect the vaginal opening from small objects that can enter the female urinary tract, such as insects or dirt.

4 facts about the labia or female vaginal lips

1. If you are aroused it will feel warm

It may be difficult to make a woman really aroused during sexual intercourse. But, did you know that the vaginal lips will react when you are aroused? Now, just by touching the clitoris (one of the main sources of climax excitement for women), this will deliver a lot of blood flow to the vaginal lips, so the female labia minora will look slightly enlarged and feel warm.

2. The shape of each woman's vaginal lips is different

The Creator's fairness, to the extent that each woman's lips are made different from each other. Labia has different colors, sizes, lengths and thicknesses for each woman.

In many cases, some women complain that the lips of their inner vagina are longer in shape and tend to stick out. Very often a vaginal condition like this makes a woman not confident in bed. But calm, that's normal, considering that each woman's sex lips are not uniform, there are even some cases that have an asymmetrical size of the labia.

3. Later, your vaginal lips will shrink

As you get older, you will watch and feel the lips of your vagina shrinking slowly. This is normal when the age of a woman is more mature and aging. This is caused by the hormone estrogen which will shrink when you experience menopause. In addition, the skin on the outer pubic lips will be slightly smoother, but the hair around it will also become more bald.

4. You can do surgery on your labia, if you are not satisfied

Some women are sometimes not satisfied with the size of their vaginal lips. They consider this will reduce male arousal when having sex. For those of you who have this problem, you can do surgery on the lips of your vagina to make the size you want. This surgical operation is called labiaplasty. This surgery is done by a plastic surgeon who will make your labia smaller. Although, believe me, no man cares if your labia is too big or too small.

4 Important Facts About Labia, Women's Vaginal Lips
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