4 Things Women Must Do After Sex When Pregnant


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After intercourse, there are several things that must be done to maintain cleanliness and health of intimate organs, especially if you have sex while pregnant. When pregnant, protection is done after sex can not be underestimated to prevent various health risks that will result in the baby. For that, there are some mandatory things you need to do after sex for the health of the vagina and also your baby.

Various things that need to be done after sex when pregnant

1. urinate

Don't underestimate urination after sex. Women must urinate after having sex. By urinating, it is just the same as you help the body cleanse the bacteria that attach to the tip of the urethra. This is because bacteria from the rectum can approach the urethra and can cause infection.

Moreover, pregnant women have a high risk of urinary tract infections (UTI) in the 6th week to the 24th week of pregnancy. Especially if you are diagnosed with this UTI and remain left untreated, the infection will spread to the kidneys. Infected kidneys can cause early labor and low birth weight babies. For that, prevent the appearance of infection by urinating every time you have sex.

2. Cleanse the vagina

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After urinating to remove bacteria at the end of the urethra, so that you are getting cleaner you have to clean the vagina. Lubricants, saliva, and bacteria and fungi that stick to the vagina and surrounding areas during sex can develop into infections if not cleaned properly. Infection that occurs during pregnancy and is not handled properly can endanger the baby in the womb.

For this reason, try to always clean the vagina after having sex while pregnant. Use mild soap and no fragrance to help remove bacteria and dirt around the outside of the vagina.

Use warm water by washing it from front to back. Remember, you only need to clean the outside of the vagina. Cleansing the inner vagina can actually disrupt the natural balance of bacteria that protect the vagina and increase the risk of infection.

3. Change underwear

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To maintain vaginal hygiene, there is one more thing you need to do besides urinating and cleaning it. You need to replace used underwear to avoid UTIs and other infections.

Moist panties when making love if reused will stimulate fungi and bacteria to multiply. For that, replace your underwear every time you make love. Use loose cotton underwear to absorb sweat well and allow air to circulate to keep the vagina dry.

4. Drink water

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Drinking water after sex helps make you urinate more. That way, more bacteria will come out of the body before the infection spreads.

Dehydration can affect the health of the body including the vagina. Sex during pregnancy requires more energy so that it can increase the production of sweat released. If your intake of fluid is not replaced, it is not impossible that you will experience dehydration.

Dehydration during pregnancy can cause serious complications such as neural tube defects, reduced amniotic fluid, until preterm labor. For that, try to always drink water after having sex with your partner so that the fetus stays healthy and avoids various dangerous risks.

4 Things Women Must Do After Sex When Pregnant
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