4 Ways You Can Get Genital Herpes (Not Only From Sex, Loh)


Medical Video: How Contagious is Herpes?

Genital herpes is a genital infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) or type 2 (HSV-2). This infectious disease is characterized by the appearance of fluid or fluid spots on the vaginal, penis, or rectal area. You may also feel pain or heat when you urinate, defecate, and have sex. Then how do you transmit genital herpes and what can be done so that you don't contract the disease? Check out the full information below.

Various ways to transmit genital herpes

Transmission of genital herpes occurs when there is direct contact with people who are suffering from this disease. Type 1 and 2 herpes simplex viruses are almost impossible to survive on inanimate surfaces other than human skin or genitals.

Because of this, it is very unlikely that you have contracted genital herpes because you use the same bathing equipment as people with herpes. Your chances of contracting genital herpes from the lips public toilet also very small. Because the virus will immediately die in an instant when it moves to the toilet lip.

However, transmission of herpes is the most reported due to the following four things.

1. Sexual penetration

Genital herpes virus is very easy to move from genitals with herpes to the genitals of healthy people. Therefore, sexual penetration (penis to vagina) without condoms with people who have herpes can increase your risk of contracting it.

This risk is also higher if you often change sexual partners. The more your partner, the greater your chances of contracting genital herpes from other people.

2. Oral sex

Not just sexual penetration that can transmit genital herpes. Oral sex (penile, vaginal, or anal stimulation with the mouth) can also spread the herpes simplex virus. If your partner has oral herpes (in the mouth) and he gives you oral sex, the herpes virus in his mouth can move to your genitals.

This is what then makes you get genital herpes despite the origin of oral herpes that your partner has.

3. Use it sex toy alternately

Although the herpes simplex virus will die quickly when it touches the surface of an object, sex toy or sex toys used alternately can spread this virus too.

This is because sex toy You and your partner may be very wet with body fluids such as sperm, saliva (saliva), or vaginal lubricating fluid. Well, the herpes virus will be easier to survive in a humid environment because of human body fluids.

So if you and your partner immediately take turns using it sex toy the same even though one of you has genital herpes, there is a possibility that you have contracted herpes. However, the possibility is small.

4. Normal delivery process

In some cases, a mother who has genital herpes can transmit the virus to her baby when normal childbirth (through the vagina). Therefore, talk to your doctor about the various possibilities of transmission of genital herpes during pregnancy.

vaginal washing

How to avoid contracting genital herpes?

Calm down, you can still take precautions to avoid contracting genital herpes, especially from partners. Check out the tips here.

1. Not having sex when herpes symptoms appear

If your partner is still on treatment or recovery from genital herpes, you should not have sex first. Whether it's penile penetration into the vagina or oral sex.

2. Having sex with a condom

Sometimes, symptoms of genital herpes are not realized by the sufferer. Therefore, always having sex with a condom can be an effective prevention way so you don't get genital herpes. Men should also continue to use condoms when receiving oral sex from their partners.

3. Don't use sex toy alternately

Each partner should have their own sex toys. If you really want to use it alternately, first wash it thoroughly with soap and hot water. Then dry it thoroughly.

4. Maintain cleanliness and health of genitals

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), women are more prone to contracting genital herpes than men. Therefore, you must always maintain a clean and healthy vagina. Especially when red days or menstrual period. During menstruation, the vagina is more easily attacked by bad bacteria and viruses, one of which is the herpes simplex virus.

To prevent viral infection or irritation during menstruation, wash the outside of the vagina with warm water and feminine antiseptic products at least twice a day.

5. Do not change partners

Don't change sexual partners. This will only increase your chances of contracting and transmitting genital herpes to other people. So, if you finish doing "One night love", Immediately check with your doctor to do a venereal disease test.

4 Ways You Can Get Genital Herpes (Not Only From Sex, Loh)
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