5 Best Ways to Get Climax for Women Who Have Never Orgasm


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Women's orgasm can be achieved in various ways, even repeatedly. However, to achieve it is not as easy as men. Research shows that women tend to have more difficulty orgasm during sex than men. Approximately only about 25 percent of women succeed in climax, while more than 90 percent of men always reach orgasm every time they have sex. But this does not mean a dead end for women who have never had an orgasm at all. There are a few tips that you can cheat on and make the way women orgasm while making love.

The way women orgasm for the first time

1. Try masturbating first, to explore the body

Many women who never orgasm because of themselves do not know how, or their partners who do not know how to satisfy them in bed.

One of the most effective ways for women to orgasm is to try to masturbate first. With masturbation, you learn about the ins and outs of your body. You find out which parts of the body feel most sensitive and are pleasant to touch, stroked, and stimulated. Use hands or certain sex toys to explore the sensations and intensity of different passions.

At the same time, let your mind adventure around different sex fantasies, to see what makes you aroused and what doesn't. Also allow yourself to fantasize, read erotic stories or watch pornographic films that can excite yourself as a way for women to orgasm.

Once you know how to stimulate yourself and know what is the most effective maneuver to bring the most satisfying pleasure sensation, it will be easier to guide your partner in bed so that you both have a better sex life.

2. Find out where the clitoris is

Not all ways a woman's orgasm is achieved through vaginal penetration. Some women can actually reach a climax through clitoral stimulation.

The clitoris is a sex organ located between the two lips of the vagina that has a pure function for sexual stimulation. There are 8,000 nerve points in the female clitoris that are responsible for giving sensations and arousal to reach orgasm. Masturbation can help you find the clitoris that is often described as this "pleasure button".

3. Use lubricants for the first time

The vagina and universe will allow you to reach orgame if your body produces enough vaginal fluid to launch this exercise. Unfortunately, not all women have enough natural lubricants. You can use vaginal lubricants that are made from safe to explore the vagina to reach orgasm.

4. Focus on pleasure

The more you are keukeuh trying to orgasm, even the less likely orgasm occurs. Orgasm is an experience. So, relax. Don't make orgasm a necessity and obligation. Focus yourself on the pleasure of the sensations and feelings that result from these stimuli. Gradually, by knowing how to enjoy yourself, you will find a desirable orgasm.

5. Let your head hang

Hanging here means letting your head hang to the side of the bed. This pose is considered to be the most effective way for women to orgasm because it makes blood flow to the brain so that it can stimulate climax faster and better.

5 Best Ways to Get Climax for Women Who Have Never Orgasm
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