5 Unexpected Things That Can Occur When Having Sex, Plus How to Overcome It


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In theory, the flow of sex only involves stimulation, penetration, and ending with orgasm. But in reality, it does not rule out the possibility that there will be many ridiculous and embarrassing things that can happen when having sex without you and your partner beforehand.

When having sex, these things might happen to you or your partner

1. Showing strange expressions during orgasm

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You might imagine your facial expression when reaching a climax would be really naughty teasing like a world-class porn star, with a mouth slightly gaping, eyes closed slightly, and eyebrows frowning sexy. Yes, roughly, like the picture above.

Porn stars can arrange their expressions in such a way because they are also required to present convincing acting. In the real world, the expression on your face or partner during an orgasm is not necessarily as sexy as you might think.

Orgasm is the culmination of sexual pleasure that you or no one can control. When that happens, all the muscles of the body will react involuntarily, including the muscles that regulate facial expressions. Maybe you or your partner unwittingly shows a strange facial expression, either wrinkling your face with your mouth wide open like holding anger or even grimacing likesigned in the bathroom when constipated.

So, how to overcome it? Actually nothing. Remember that what happens to your body when orgasm is out of your control. So, just enjoy the sex and don't be afraid your partner will become ilfeel or disgust with you. Believe that he is also enjoying his climax.

2. The discharge of various types of fluids

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In addition to semen, sweat, saliva, and lubricating fluids, there are many more types of fluids that may come out when you have sex. For example, female ejaculation fluid, aka squirting.

In some people who are sensitive, intense orgasms can make them shed tears. Yes! Especially if you are a person who is easily touched or crying, the most likely your reaction after making love is to cry because of overwhelming emotions. This is common in men and women, even after satisfying sex.

In addition, excessive sexual stimulation of the breast can make a woman emit ASI-like fluids even if they are not pregnant or breastfeeding. Some women can also wet their bed during sex, especially if you have begun to enter menopause. This is due to decreased bladder ability along with aging of the body.

Maybe you will feel this unexpected discharge of various liquids is a problem. However, believe that these things will not prevent you from continuing sexual relations with your partner. Most likely, you and your partner will not ignore it because the hormones released during sex make you more immune to feelings of disgust and dirty.

3. Bad breath

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Bad breath that comes out during sex in the morning can damage your intimate moments and your partner. Even so, this "side effect" of sleep is actually reasonable because as long as you sleep, the production of saliva will naturally decrease which allows bacteria to grow and produce sulfur compounds that cause bad breath. In addition, you or your partner may also sleep with your mouth open and snore, which dries the mouth contents more.

To overcome this, you can go first from the bed to just brush your teeth and gargle before going on. However, if you and your partner do not mind each other's bad breath, then just continue your morning routine. Don't worry about these little things.

4. Being caught by children

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Mixed feelings ranging from confusion, shock, shame, to panic, you and your partner must feel when the child catches you both during intercourse. However, panic and anger are the last thing you want to do with your child when this happens.

Control yourself and immediately cover your body and partner with either a blanket or clothes. Then, take the child back to his room. If a child asks something, then answer casually but still be realistic about what you are doing.

For example, tell your child that you are massaging each other because your body is sore. You can also say that you are not wearing clothes because you feel hot or are getting ready to take a shower.

5. Fart

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In the midst of the hot sex session, suddenly ... "Duut ....!" Farting sounds during sex may sound embarrassing and can ruin your sensual moments. Especially if it smells bad.

But again, remember that the release of fart due to a stomach that is too bloated also you can not control. Farting is the body's natural reaction, just ignore it and don't hold back from laughing at the ridiculous thing. If you yourself are relaxed, your partner will casually face it.

5 Unexpected Things That Can Occur When Having Sex, Plus How to Overcome It
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