Be Careful, 3 Forms of This Body Are Most Vulnerable to Diabetes



Whether we realize it or not, a person's body shape actually plays an important role in determining the risk of diabetes. Diabetes does not only affect people with excess weight, even thin people can also develop diabetes. So, what body shape is most at risk for diabetes? Find out the answers in this article

The body shape is most susceptible to diabetes

1. Who has a distended stomach

Distended stomach not only experienced by people who are overweight. The reason is, thin people even the ideal body weight can develop this condition. Belly fat is a type of bad fat that is the main cause of a distended stomach which is harmful to your health.

Quoted from the page Harvard Health PublicationsAbdominal fat can affect blood fat production which is directly linked to increases in total cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL), decreased good cholesterol (HDL), and insulin resistance.

Well, insulin resistance is what later became the beginning of diabetes. This condition occurs when insulin does not work optimally, causing blood glucose to increase and cannot enter the body's cells

2. Who has a large waist circumference

Some studies say that men and women have big waist circumference a higher risk of developing various chronic diseases in the future, one of which is diabetes.

Usually a large waist circumference is identified with people who are overweight or obese. In fact, people who are of normal weight but have a large waist circumference are also at risk of developing various diseases compared to people who have a normal waist circumference.

The National Heart and Lung and Blood Institute's American Heart Association established a healthy waist size for women, which is smaller than 88 cm, while for men smaller than 102 cm. While the ideal waist circumference target for Asians is less than 90 cm (for men) and less than 80 cm (for women)

3. Which has excess weight

Overall some people can accumulate fat everywhere at a fairly flat speed. But regardless of body shape, being overweight or obesity increase the risk of diabetes. Obesity is the root of various health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Even quoted from the page WebMDobesity is the number one risk factor for diabetes. Obesity itself is a buildup of excess fat which can cause changes in the body's metabolism. This change causes fat tissue (adipose tissue) to release fat molecules into the blood, which can affect insulin responsive cells and cause reduced insulin sensitivity.

Checking nutritional status using the Body Mass Index (BMI) is one way to determine whether you are in an obese catogerias or not. In addition, body mass index can also be used to look at a person's health risks. You can calculate the Body Mass Index at BMI Calculator Healthy Hello (you can also check this link

Tips to reduce the risk of diabetes

If you are among those who have one body shape as mentioned above, you should not worry. Because there are several ways you can do to reduce the risk of diabetes so you can still enjoy #HidupEnak, such as:

1. Pay attention to food intake

Expand to consume fruits, vegetables, and foods that contain high fiber. Avoid eating sweet and fatty foods. Don't forget, pay attention to the food portions you consume. Besides being able to make your blood sugar more controlled, paying attention to food intake, can also help you get the ideal body weight so you avoid the risk of obesity and diabetes.

2. Increase physical activity

From now on, you have to leave a sedentary lifestyle, aka lack of movement. No need to do heavy exercise with high intensity. Because by doing moderate exercise, routine and consistent at least three times a week for approximately 30 minutes can help you reduce the risk of diabetes. Not only that, regular exercise that is balanced with proper nutrition can also help you get the ideal body shape, you know.

3. Routinely check blood sugar

#HidupEnak tips next to reduce the risk of diabetes is to routinely check your blood sugar. Check your blood sugar regularly before eating or eating. Regular blood sugar checks will tell you the blood sugar level right away.

Be Careful, 3 Forms of This Body Are Most Vulnerable to Diabetes
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