6 Effective Ways to Make Strong and Durable Erections


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The study, published in the American Journal of Medicine, states that 15 percent of men aged 20 to 39 have difficulty having long-lasting erections while difficult erectile problems are experienced by nearly 80% of men aged between 40-59 years. Now, to get a strong and long-lasting erection, you can do the following ways for a more fulfilling romance life.

Tips for strong and long-lasting erections

Strong and long-lasting erections are often the attainment of many men because this is considered evidence of virility. In addition, many men believe that strong and long-lasting erections are the key to partner satisfaction. Here are various ways you can maintain an erection to make it stronger and longer lasting.

1. Cardio exercise

run to strengthen bones

Smooth blood flow is a healthy, strong and long-lasting erection key. Cardio exercise stimulates your heart to work harder, resulting in a stronger heart and lung endurance to keep blood circulation smooth.

Cardio exercise that is suitable for maintaining a strong and long-lasting erection is jogging 20 minutes per day, walking 2 km, or aerobic exercise. Try to avoid cycling because cardio can actually increase your risk of experiencing erectile dysfunction.

The more routine exercise, the healthier and more flexible the lining of blood vessels in your arteries contributes to erectile strength.

2. Stop smoking

how to stop smoking

Smoking causes various health problems, including one on the penis. Research conducted at the University of Kentucky found that the sex lives of men who smoke are only on a scale of 5 out of 10. Meanwhile, men who do not smoke have a sex life on a scale of 9 out of 10. This shows that people who do not smoke tend to have a sex life which is far more satisfying.

The reason is because smoking can be a cause of impotence and affect erectile strength. Even other studies have found evidence that smokers' penises are smaller than those who don't smoke. This is because smoking can damage penis tissue and make it less elastic. As a result, the penis is difficult to strain even when aroused though.

3. Eating caffeine

drinking coffee is still sleepy

Although caffeine does not always have a good effect on the body, research shows that it can actually help you maintain a healthy and strong erection.

Research conducted at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston found that men who drank 2 to 3 cups of coffee per day tended to be at a lower risk of developing erectile dysfunction compared to those who avoided caffeinated drinks.

4. Maintain ideal body weight and consumption of balanced nutrition

ideal weight

Obesity can bring a series of problems to the body, including lackluster erectile problems. Quoted from Mens Health, more than 50 percent of men with diabetes are at risk of developing arterial disease. This disease can slow the distribution of stimuli along the body's nerves which results in not sexually stimulating the penis.

Therefore, if you want to get a strong and long-lasting erection, keep your body weight ideal. However, if you already have diabetes, try to consult your doctor about the best way to control blood sugar.

Because, diabetic men with uncontrolled blood sugar will have erectile problems as much as 70 percent greater than those who are able to control their blood sugar to remain stable.

In addition to keeping your body weight ideal, it is important for you to pay attention to balanced nutrition. Increasing the intake of antioxidant-rich foods such as lycopene found in tomato, berry, and watermelon fruits can prevent you from experiencing erectile dysfunction and preventing heart disease. Also avoid high cholesterol foods that can have an effect on the health of your heart and blood vessels.

5. Yawning


Although it seems strange, but erection and yawning are controlled by the same chemical, nitric oxide. This compound is released in the brain and can travel through nerves that control the opening of the mouth and breathing. In addition, these compounds can also be channeled down the spinal cord to blood vessels that play a role in launching blood to the penis.

Therefore, you can try to yawn occasionally before making love to help stimulate the release of nitric oxide which can make the erection strong and durable.

6. Get enough sleep

help sleep

Enough sleep is a daily obligation for overall body health. Well, it turns out during sleep the penis will experience an erection between three to five hours a night. Erection that occurs is not without purpose, but this is done to refill the penis by keeping it flowing with oxygen-rich blood.

The more routine the penis has an erection at night, the more flexible your penis tissue will be for erection. This is what can help keep erections strong even though they are no longer young.

6 Effective Ways to Make Strong and Durable Erections
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