5 Physical Exercises that Need to Be Done Before Climbing the Mountain


Medical Video: How to Train for a Kilimanjaro Climb: My 5 Top Exercises

Climbing a mountain is an activity that includes walking in the forest with a load of around 18 kg. Some of the effects that will be felt when climbing mountains include back pain, thigh muscles vibrate, and lung burns. However, with prior preparation, you will feel many benefits when climbing, such as having a lot of energy, being more fit, while avoiding the rigidity and various negative effects described above.

In addition to physical preparation, preparation for site conditions is also important. You have to prepare many things for your personal safety when climbing, such as weather conditions at the location, distance of the climb, and so on. Let's look at various preparations before climbing the following mountain!

Physical preparation before climbing a mountain

So that you are accustomed to climbing mountains for 8 km, do the exercises by walking for around 30-40 minutes on the inclined plane, for 3 days a week. On the fourth day, do the same and look for the hills. Increase training until you can add ⅔ from the previous distance.

You need to build balance, flexibility, and strength in your back legs and muscles to be able to get through the trail. This exercise can also help you to strengthen your back and shoulders to carry a backpack. For each of the first four exercises, do 1-3 sets with each set of 8-12 reps, for 2 or 3 days a week. The following exercises must be done:

1. Squat one leg (target: front and back thighs, and buttocks)

Place your left arm on the wall by resting on the left foot for balance. Bend your right leg back and maintain an upright posture while slowly lowering your body to the floor by bending your left knee. Keep an eye on your left foot, do not get your knees forward beyond your toes. Hold it, then slowly stand back. Repeat with the opposite leg.

2. Step-up / step down (target: front and back thighs, buttocks, and calves)

Place your left foot on the stairs or steps with a height of 20-30 cm. Next, move your right foot to the level of your left foot. Lower your left foot and then follow it with your right foot. If this is too easy for you, do it by holding it dumbell beside your body.

3. Shrug (target: shoulder and upper back)

Hold it dumbell beside your body and stand straight shoulder-width apart. Without moving your arms, raise your shoulders towards your ears. Hold it, then lower it slowly.

4. Back extension (target: lower back)

Position yourself lying face down with your arms folded and your hands under your chin. Keep your feet and hips on the floor, lift your chin and chest about 8 cm to 12 cm. Hold it, then slowly come back down.

5. Stretching 4th figure (target: back thighs, buttocks, and back)

Sit on the floor while stretching your right foot forward. Bend your left knee, and rest your left foot on your right thigh. Lean forward until your hands reach your right ankle. Keep your back straight to stretch your legs and back. Hold for 30 seconds, then change sides. Do 1-3 stretches on each side.

Climbing location preparation

Once you are ready to climb the mountain, follow this guide to stay safe and comfortable when climbing:

  1. Check the weather.
  2. Bring important items, such as navigation equipment, sunscreen, changing clothes, lighting, first aid kits (bandages, alcohol, adhesives, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, non-latex gloves, eye drops, business cards or information for every climber tweezers, epi pen for allergies, spray for bears, equipment for snake bites, and personal medicine), tools for making fire, tools, food, drinking water, and emergency shelter (blankets, tarps, and garbage bags).
  3. Use special clothes to climb mountains.
  4. Always be on guard (such as paying attention to the position of the sun, stopping if tired, and treating painful or injured body parts).
  5. Inform routes and travel maps for your family.
  6. Maintain personal safety (do not touch any plants that you do not know, and learn various ways to deal with wild animals).
  7. Keep manner during climbing (do not throw litter, say rude, and damage nature).

Prepare all the things outlined above to ensure your personal safety, because not a few people have had accidents during mountain climbing. In fact, many die from running out of oxygen, recurring illness, getting lost, getting food shortages, cold, and so on. Register with the clerk at the foot of the mountain about the route you passed, so that if you experience an emergency, the officer can help you.


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5 Physical Exercises that Need to Be Done Before Climbing the Mountain
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