Be Careful, Outside Ejaculation Can Still Cause Pregnancy


Medical Video: My boyfriend withdrew before ejaculating, but now I have irregular discharge. Am I pregnant?

Interrupted intercourse (coitus interruptus), or better known as the method of ejaculation outside or "out on the outside", is the oldest form of contraception in the world and is still practiced today. About 35 million couples worldwide depend on this technique for emergency pregnancy prevention.

What is external ejaculation?

Interrupted external cumulative ejaculation is the practice of pulling the penis from the vagina before reaching climax and ejaculation. This pull-out technique is often used as a backup method of condoms or hormone pills.

When having sex, a man will pull his penis from the vagina when he feels he will ejaculate or before reaching it. Ejaculation will be done separately, outside and away from the vagina, being careful that semen does not drip or spill onto the female vulva.

Men who want to use this method need to understand correctly about their sexual response: when they orgasm, climax and ejaculation. You need to know when your body reaches the highest point of sexual arousal when ejaculation can no longer be detained or delayed.

This method does have several advantages. For example, hormone free and practical. In addition, spermine, a compound found in sperm, is actually quite good for your skin. Spermine is believed to smooth wrinkles and prevent zits. But ...

There is a risk of sperm remaining in pre-ejaculated semen

Using the interrupted intercourse method requires skill in self-control. Even if you can predict when to pull out, this method will still not be as effective as other contraceptives to prevent pregnancy.

When you are excited, your penis will release a little pre-ejaculate semen. Pre-ejaculated semen itself does not contain sperm. However, when the pre-ejaculatory fluid comes out of the penis, the remaining sperm from the previous ejaculation which is attached to the urethra will be swept out with the semen.

A study cited from International Planned Parenthood found small clots of sperm in pre-ejaculated semen in a number of male participants. Even though only a few hundred sperm were present, the theory, however, would still pose a risk of pregnancy - albeit low. Remember, only one sperm cell is needed to realize pregnancy.

The outside ejaculation method is no more effective than a condom

"We often think intercourse is interrupted] is a contraceptive method, but it's not," said Lauren F. Streicher, MD, associate clinical professor of the OB-GYN department at Northwestern University and author of Sex Rx: Hormones, Health, and Your Best Sex Ever, quoted from Greatist.

Contraception, by definition, is a method used to prevent pregnancy, but interrupted intercourse techniques have a very high chance of failure.

According to Planned Parenthood, 4 out of 100 women who will get pregnant from partners of men who always use the intercourse method are cut off.

That is, there is a four percent chance of pregnancy from this method. When compared with birth control pills (6 percent failure rate) or IUDs (the chance of failure is less than 1 percent), this figure is actually high. Among couples who cannot regulate the pull-out timeliness, the probability of failure is estimated at 27 percent in one year.

Why? Most men cannot predict accurately to release the pull-out reflex as fast as they want. What's more, many men out there experience premature ejaculation.

Condoms, according to CDC, has a failure rate of 18 percent. What needs to be understood, this percentage comes from failure of condom function due to men who do not understand the correct use of condoms - late using condoms until just before sex or wrong how to use them. Even though you and your partner cannot control accidents, such as torn condoms, if you really know how to use condoms that are good and right, it is very unlikely that the two reasons above can occur. That is, your personal failure rate will be much lower by using a condom than just relying on interrupted intercourse techniques.

The external ejaculation method does not protect against venereal disease

Lesions or ulcers on the genitals can spread various types of infections. Other venereal diseases can be transmitted from one person to another through skin contact.

The semen of an HIV-positive male contains active HIV cells and is the main way of transmitting the virus through sex. Using the interrupted intercourse method can reduce this risk because your partner is not exposed to semen. However, there is still a risk of HIV transmission from pre-ejaculate semen which may contain HIV active cells.

Disconnected intercourse methods do not prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. The only thing that will be effective to protect you is a condom, which will be even better if combined with other contraceptives to also prevent pregnancy.


  • Venereal disease tests do not have to be when you recognize the signs or symptoms
  • The classic symptoms of generalized venereal disease
  • The symptoms of this pregnancy may not be noticed before
Be Careful, Outside Ejaculation Can Still Cause Pregnancy
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