Beware, 7 Daily Habits Make Sagging Breasts


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Having the ideal body is the dream of many women. One member of the body that must be maintained so that the body still looks fit is the breast. So, maintaining an ideal body means keeping your breasts tight. However, entering the early 20s is a vulnerable time because the breasts will begin to relax naturally. Plus if your lifestyle and daily habits are not balanced. Breasts will also become looser faster. To prevent this, pay attention to the various causes of sagging breasts below. You may often make the following seven mistakes unconsciously.

1. Body posture is not ideal

You may have heard about the impact of posture not ideal on bone health. It turns out that the body posture that is not ideal can also affect your breast shape. If you sit, stand, or walk too often with your shoulders bent, your breasts tend to relax. This is because the muscles around the breast relax. So, you should always maintain an ideal posture, whether sitting or standing. Ideally, stand or sit with your back upright. That way, the muscles around the breast will also tighten. You can also do yoga or gymnastics to improve your posture that is too bent.

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2. Lack of exercise

Be sure to meet your daily physical needs. Because, lack of exercise can also be one of the causes of sagging breasts. This is because the small muscles around the chest have never been trained and eventually relaxed. To restore your breast fitness, do not underestimate the importance of physical activity, especially those that help you train your chest muscles. Good exercise to prevent sagging breasts is weight training and push-ups.

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3. Exercise too hard

If lack of exercise can make the breasts loose, it turns out exercising too hard also risks causing sagging breasts. Especially if you exercise without a special bra designed for physical activity. This bra is known as the term sport bra. Its function is to support your breasts from movements that are too fast. Sports like jogging, soccer, and basketball will make your breasts swing in high speed. This risks damaging collagen in the breast. Collagen itself is a fiber or tissue that is responsible for maintaining breast elasticity and firmness. So, always wear a sports bra before you do physical activity.

4. Incorrectly choose a bra

The health and firmness of your breasts is very dependent on the choice of bra that you wear every day. To keep the female body part tight and full round, choose a bra that fits the shape of your breast. If you wear a loose bra, your breasts will not be supported properly. The reason is, a woman's breasts do not have special muscles that can help her stay tight. So if your bra is not able to support the breast, it is your skin that will work harder to hold back the weight. Skin that is forced to work too hard will age more quickly and lose its elasticity. This is the cause of sagging breasts.

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5. Smoking

Cigarettes are one of your breast's biggest enemies. Your habit of smoking without realizing it can affect your breast shape. Toxins contained in cigarettes such as nicotine can destroy collagen in the skin. In fact, the amount of collagen in a woman's body is less than that of men. In addition, cigarettes will also interfere with blood circulation to the surface of the skin. As a result, the breast will experience an aging process and quickly relaxes.

6. Alcohol addiction

Occasionally drinking alcoholic beverages does not really feel the impact on the breast. However, being too often or addicted to drinking can be bad and cause damage to collagen. Your breasts become more loose and the surrounding skin looks dull. So, pay attention to the level of alcohol you consume to prevent aging breasts prematurely.

7. Weight up and down

Be careful if your weight is unstable. The skin around the breast stretches to follow the shape of your body if you gain weight. However, when you lose weight again, your skin takes a long time to get back tight. If before your skin tightens, you have gained more weight, your skin will become loose because it stretches too often. So, you should adopt a balanced and regular diet so that your weight does not easily rise and fall and your breasts are still ideal and tight.

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Beware, 7 Daily Habits Make Sagging Breasts
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