Bit Fruit Juice, a Safer Natural Impotence Drug from Viagra


Medical Video: CURE IMPOTENCE: How You Can Make Natural Viagra Using Only 2 Ingredients!

Beet fruit is often used as a coloring agent as well as thickener for juices and smoothies. This reddish purple tuber contains many health benefits. One of them is a natural impotence drug, which is certainly attractive to most men.

Beet juice, a natural impotence drug that is a pity to miss

Impotence aka erectile dysfunction occurs when the penis does not get enough fresh blood flow to make it "stand up" or maintain an erection long enough. Impotence is generally caused by diseases that inhibit blood circulation such as diabetes and hypertension, or certain health conditions that inhibit the brain's nerve work to create arousal such as depression.

Beets contain high nitrate which will be converted into nitric oxide in the body. This nitric oxide will then flow to the walls of the blood vessels in the penis to activate an enzyme called cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). The cGMP enzyme instructs the smooth muscles of the penis to relax so that fresh blood flow can flow freely and create an erection. The more the number of cGMP, the more blood flow to the penis. The more rapid blood flow to the penis, the faster the erection develops and lasts longer.

Remember that one of the most common causes of impotence is hypertension, which can damage blood vessels and disrupt blood flow to the penis? Well, quoted from Healthline page, a 2014 study reported that drinking one cup of beet juice every day can launch blood pressure that is as effective as taking blood pressure-lowering drugs.

In addition, research from Exter University in the United Kingdom states that drinking beet juice can increase stamina because the nitrate content reduces burning of oxygen during your physical activity. Simply put, drinking beet juice makes you not easily sluggish during sex, which in fact needs and burns a lot of energy.

Even so, so far the medical evidence is not strong enough to support the safety of beet juice to be used as a natural impotence drug.

Most drink beet juice can make kidney stones

Before using beets as a natural impotence medicine, you should discuss it with your doctor first. Because, not everyone can be free to enjoy beet juice without side effects. Most drinking beet juice can cause your urine to become dark red, a condition called bituria. Bituria is the most common side effect of beet juice. But you don't need to worry, because this condition is not dangerous and will soon disappear after you stop consuming beetroot.

The risk of side effects that you need to be more aware of is the formation of kidney stones. Beets contain high calcium oxalate which binds calcium and then forms small stones in the kidney.

Beets also have high sugar levels, so people who have diabetes are encouraged to more wisely manage their portions. Because, when beets are processed into juice, most of the fiber content is lost so that it can cause a surge in blood sugar.

In essence, it's fine if you want to drink beet juice to treat impotence. But remember that beets are not the only way to deal with this sexual problem. You still need to see a doctor to treat the condition of the cause and live a healthy lifestyle and get active exercise to stay long in bed.

Bit Fruit Juice, a Safer Natural Impotence Drug from Viagra
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