Can Drinking Supplements Really Make Sex So Long Lasting?


Medical Video: Over-the-Counter Supplement to Help You Last Longer in Bed

Taking supplements is no longer a stranger. Because, many supplement products are sold in the market to improve health conditions and meet daily nutritional needs. Some of them are even claimed to improve sex performance. However, can supplements specifically improve the quality of one's sex for example by increasing the desire for long-lasting sex?

Can supplements make sex last longer?

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Apparently, compared to Viagra and various other types of strong drugs, some types of natural supplements are useful for increasing stamina in bed and making sex last longer.

Even though it is said to make sex last long, one thing you need to remember is that there is no medicine or magic pill that can naturally directly have a big effect and change your sex life.

Be it vitamins, supplements for libido, or certain herbs will not be able to give you instant results. Therefore, before taking certain supplements, first find out complete information about safe limits and potential risks that might occur.

Therefore, always consult your doctor before you take supplements or vitamins for sex. Because, this supplement might be able to interfere with the way other drugs that you might be consuming.

Various supplements called can make you last in bed

Although it cannot provide instant results and directly change sex life, some supplements are useful for improving bed performance and making sex last longer. The following are various supplements that can help improve the quality of your sex and partner.

Supplements for men

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L-arginine is a semi-essential amino acid produced by the body. In the body, this compound will turn into nitric oxide. Quoted from Everyday Health, L-arginine can dilate and relax blood vessels so that it can help treat erectile dysfunction.

However, some of the risks and side effects that will occur if you take these supplements are high blood sugar, low blood pressure, digestive system problems, electrolyte imbalances in the body, nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, and cause allergies for people with asthma.

Panax ginseng

Panax ginseng (Korean ginseng) can help improve male erectile ability. This is based on research tested by giving men a dose of Panax Ginseng as much as 900 to 1,000 mg in two to three times a day.

But unfortunately this one supplement can cause insomnia. So, if you have experienced insomnia before, try not to take this one supplement.

Niacin (vitamin B)

Niacin is a B vitamin that can increase good cholesterol levels in the body. Quoted from WebMD, men who have high cholesterol levels and have cases of moderate to severe erectile dysfunction have improved conditions after consuming 1,500 mg of niacin for 12 weeks.

Supplements for women

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Maca (peru ginseng)

Peruvian maca or ginseng can be used as one of the sexuality supplements for women. If you experience a decrease in sexual arousal due to taking antidepressants then taking maca supplements is likely to help.

However, you are not advised to consume it if you have cancer or are sensitive to additional estrogen because these supplements can increase estrogen levels in the body.


Iron-deficient bodies usually lack passion, including sexual arousal and the ability to reach orgasm. Therefore, the experts then conducted a study by giving iron supplements to women with too little intake.

The result, these women feel an increase in sexual desire after consuming enough iron. However, try to take the right dose because too much iron is also harmful to your health.

Tribulus terrestris

Tribulus terrestris is a plant of Mediterranean origin. Usually people use fruit, roots and leaves as medicine. In one study, women with sexual arousal who consumed 7.5 mg of this plant supplement for 4 weeks experienced increased arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and reduced pain during intercourse.

If you want to buy the supplements above, make sure they are registered with BPOM to ensure the safety of the ingredients of the supplement products. This is important so that you avoid supplemental drugs that have additional ingredients that are harmful to your health.

Can Drinking Supplements Really Make Sex So Long Lasting?
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