Choosing the safest birth control pill for people with diabetes


Medical Video: Female Birth Control Options | Family Planning

You have diabetes and want to choose the safest contraception? For women who suffer from type 1 and type two diabetes, birth control pills can indeed be a separate dilemma. Because, various studies show different results about the effects of birth control pills for people with diabetes. Now, to be clearer, consider the first guide to choosing the following birth control pills for people with diabetes.

Are birth control pills safe for people with diabetes?

Basically, birth control pills are safe for consumption by women with diabetes. You who are at risk or have diabetes offspring may also use birth control pills. It should be noted, birth control pills do not cause diabetes. However, you should consult with your doctor before using drinking contraception.

In the past, birth control pills were not recommended for women with diabetes, especially diabetes type two. This is because birth control pills in high doses can cause hormonal disorders in the body. If hormone levels are not balanced, blood sugar can jump dramatically.

However, today's birth control pills have been specially formulated so that the hormone dose is not excessive. You who have diabetes can still use birth control pills safely.

Which needs to be considered before using birth control pills

Even so, there are still risks and side effects of using birth control pills for people with diabetes. A number of studies show the side effects that arise from taking birth control pills include increased risk of strokes and heart attacks. Because women with diabetes are more prone to heart attacks, you should be careful when using birth control pills.

Other studies also note that the estrogen content in some birth control pills is quite risky for women with diabetes. Estrogen is known to increase blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Some women with diabetes may need more insulin in order to compensate for this increase.

According to various other studies compiled by a team of experts from the University of Colorado, the risk of complications from taking birth control pills for more than two years may increase. The kinds of complications that are referred to include kidney, nerve and vision disorders.

Choose a safe birth control pill for people with diabetes

Because of the risks mentioned, you must consult with your doctor before determining the right birth control pill for you. Usually the obstetricians will recommend birth control pills with low estrogen levels. Birth control pills with a combination of two types of hormones such as progestins and estrogen are also safer and usually do not cause blood sugar to rise in people with diabetes.

Your diabetes medication may be adjusted again to prevent the side effects of using birth control pills. So, tell your doctor if you have started taking birth control pills. You should also check with your doctor regularly to monitor blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol levels, and other possible complications.

Choosing the safest birth control pill for people with diabetes
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