Couples Are Equally Positive HIV, Should You Use Condoms When Making Love?


Medical Video: Medical Animation: HIV and AIDS

HIV is a virus that can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. People who have unprotected sex and often change partners most at risk of getting this virus. One way to prevent transmission is to use a condom. Now, condom sex still applies to people who are both HIV positive? Find out the answer in the following review.

Not using condoms makes HIV more contagious

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that attacks a person's immune system. You do this by destroying white blood cells called T-helper or CD4 cells. People who are HIV positive and don't get treatment, their immune systems will weaken. Over time, the virus will develop into AIDS.

If you already have this condition, other diseases will be easier to attack and difficult to heal. It takes 10 to 15 years for this virus to make the body's immune system seriously damaged and not function at all. However, the speed of development of the HIV virus varies among people, depending on the age and health of one's body.

One way to transmit the HIV virus is through sex. When having intercourse, body fluids that come out during ejaculation can enter the body through the genitals and also the anal opening. But, you can also enter by mouth if you have oral sex. Sex using condoms is a shield to prevent the body from getting infected with this virus.

It is better to keep using condoms even though you are HIV positive

get pregnant even though you have used a condom

For those of you who have been sexually active, having an HIV blood test is important. In addition to using a condom, carrying out an HIV blood test checks provides a double protection for you to detect the presence of the HIV virus. The possibility of a virus will also be handled faster after infection.

Well, for couples who have positive HIV, still have to use a condom during sex. Reporting from The Body, in the question and answer forum, Dr. Robert J. Franscino of The Roberts of the James Franscino Aids Foundation explained that the need to use condoms still applies to couples who are both infected with HIV.

Why? Even though it has been infected, sex using condoms can prevent multiple infections (dual infection) or re-infection (re-infection) inter-pair. If both of these occur, the HIV suffered can get worse and can cause death because the immune system is getting weaker.

But, if you continue to use condoms, your partner will not be able to have children?

Using condoms, not only prevents HIV transmission but also prevents pregnancy. Reporting from Detik Health, Dr. Aritha Herawati, Head of the Promotion and Prevention Division, AIDS Commission in DKI Jakarta Province explained that HIV-positive couples can still have children.

Originally, before and during pregnancy, and after giving birth the mother must continue to receive assistance.

Make sure that both partners get antiretroviral treatment. The point is to increase the immune system by reducing the number of viruses.

When ovulation arrives, a husband and wife are in good health with high immunity, so they can have sexual intercourse without a condom so that fertilization occurs.

Do not let HIV-positive women get pregnant outside the plan because the virus can spread to children.

Couples Are Equally Positive HIV, Should You Use Condoms When Making Love?
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