Girlfriend Often Threatens Disconnect, This Is Actually Hidden


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Adu arguments and arguments during courtship are very natural. You and your partner are two different people with different personalities. Sometimes there are various differences that make you both finally disagree. Fighting is natural, but what is not normal is when a partner always threatens to break up every time he disputes.

Why do couples like to threaten to break up?

not loving partner

When a partner always threatens to break up when fighting actually there are several possibilities that can occur. Quoted from Psychology Today, couples who are always threatening to break up might think of it as a joke or tactic to intimidate your feelings.

Now that's the sign that your relationship isn't valuable enough for him. People who value a relationship will never use this method to get what they want.

In addition, quoted from the page of the University of California Berkeley Health Services, the threat of a breakup made by your partner can be classified into psychological manipulation. You could say he was trying to manipulate you. Couples use this threat to dismiss your opinions and concerns that really are true. Couples also try to control your thoughts and actions. This is the hidden purpose behind the threat of breaking up.

Usually, this is done only as a threat but has never been realized. After feeling successful with the threat, he will return to be gentle with you. That way, it is increasingly clear that couples are trying to manipulate your mind by issuing a threat of breaking up.

What should be done when the couple threatens to break up?

fight with boyfriend

When a partner always threatens to break up at every fight, don't panic. You need to think clearly without being carried away by emotions that are in high spirits. However, previously there were some things that should be avoided:

  • Do not respond to the snapping of a break made by a couple unless you are really ready to end it.
  • Do not immediately accuse the couple for example by saying he is a liar because he is always threatening but never realized.
  • Don't be underestimated simply because you feel that what he says is nothing more than a threat.

Even though it's difficult and you feel that your partner is manipulative, the first thing you need to do is be calm. The reason is, there is no wise decision if made when you're angry. Then, take a deep breath and ask your partner to give you a few minutes before discussing it further.

Next, invite your partner to talk heart to heart. Ask him if he really wants to break up with you. Then, offer him to solve this problem together with a cold head.

After conditions start conducive, you can be honest with your partner about your feelings every time the couple threatens to break up. Start with the word, "I feel ..." so that your feelings are conveyed well. Don't start the sentence with, "You are ...".

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If your partner wants to listen to your complaints, this is good because the sign is that he puts empathy on you. Tell him that there are still many ways that can be done to solve the problem rather than having to break up the word.

If your partner does not accept this and continues to defend himself, that is a sign that you need to reassess the relationship that you have been developing over the years. Because, love alone is not strong enough to be a provision in a happy and healthy love affair.

For that, try to be honest with yourself about the feelings you have had so far. Is your current partner the person you need? By being honest with yourself, you will also be able to be honest with your partner and find answers that you have never had before.

Girlfriend Often Threatens Disconnect, This Is Actually Hidden
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