Watch out, Impotent Men Are at Risk of Heart Disease! How to prevent it?


Medical Video: Erectile Dysfunction: Harbinger of Heart Disease?

For men, erectile dysfunction or more often called impotence seems to be the number one scourge of his health. Erectile dysfunction is a condition in which men find it difficult to get an erection (penis tightens).

However, other than because impotent people have difficulties when having sex, apparently this condition also makes you more prone to heart problems. How can an impotent person be at risk for heart disease? See the explanation and the best way to prevent heart disease below.

What are the causes of erectile dysfunction (impotence)?

In order to get an erection, blood must flow smoothly towards the penis. Blood will then fill the penis so that it becomes harder and denser. People who experience erectile dysfunction, blood does not flow hard enough to the penis. As a result the penis cannot harden.

Usually impotent cases do not indicate a serious problem. You might just feel nervous or have a burden of mind. Men aged over 45 years are also more prone to erectile dysfunction. However, if you experience this problem often enough or even the penis cannot erect at all, you have a possible disruption in heart function.

Why are impotent men at risk for heart disease?

Both erectile dysfunction and heart disease are both closely related to circulatory disorders. So, usually people who have heart disease also have problems achieving erection.

As explained by Patrick J. Skerret of Harvard Medical School, it is difficult to erect one of them caused by atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a condition in which blood vessels narrow or harden due to plaque buildup.

Plaque buildup in the coronary arteries can cause chest pain (angina) or a heart attack. Plaque buildup in the brain arteries can cause senility or stroke. Meanwhile, plaque buildup in the arteries leading to the penis can make a person difficult to erect. So, difficult erections can be a sign of atherosclerosis. If ignored without treatment or lifestyle changes, this problem can spread to the coronary arteries in the heart.

How big is the possibility of impotent male heart failure?

A study led by Dr. Emily Banks from the National Center for Epidemiology and Population Health in Australia shows that people who have erectile dysfunction problems are eight times more likely to experience heart failure than healthy people.

In addition, the likelihood of getting heart disease reaches 60% and the possibility of dying from other diseases is twice as large in people who have erectile dysfunction.

Prevent heart disease in men with erectile dysfunction

For those of you who have erectile dysfunction problems, don't panic first. Erectile dysfunction does not mean a verdict of heart disease. You can still prevent heart problems. The best way is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You are strongly advised to maintain an ideal body weight, exercise regularly, and stop smoking.

In addition, you also should immediately see a doctor if there are complaints about the health of the heart or other organs. Then what if there are no complaints? Keep going to the doctor. The reason is, many people are unaware of the symptoms and signs of heart disease until they suddenly experience a heart attack. Because people who are impotent are at risk for heart disease, you should check your doctor more regularly.

Watch out, Impotent Men Are at Risk of Heart Disease! How to prevent it?
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