5 Simple Yoga Poses to Maintain Fitness During Fasting


Medical Video: 15 Yoga Poses That'll Change Your Body In Less Than a Month

Fasting is often the reason for lazing, not least for sports. The reasons also vary, but generally many people are lazy to exercise while fasting for fear of fatigue and dehydration. In fact, exercise during fasting is also important, you know!

You do not have to do high-intensity exercise that makes you run out of energy, but try to do light exercise but still provide many benefits when doing it. Yep! You can do yoga while fasting.

Yoga poses when fasting

While waiting for the break or the morning after dawn, the following yoga poses during the following fasting can be a guide to getting a healthy, ideal and fresh body during fasting.

1. Cat-cow pose


Before doing yoga during fasting, first prepare a yoga mat or a comfortable mat. Lplace your palms and knees on the mat like a crawl. Make sure the wrists are aligned straight below the shoulders and the knees are open parallel to the hips and the tips of the toes are pressing on the floor. Lpestle inhale and stretch your back like a cow. Hold for 8 seconds. Then exhale and convex your back like a cat. Hold for 8 seconds. Repeat this series of poses several times.

2. Seated twist

seated a twist pose

To do one yoga pose is very easy. The way to sit cross-legged on the mat. Then do the process of pulling your breath slowly. When exhaling, turn the body to the right. Try to keep the right hand facing back and the left hand touching the knee. Hold this pose for 8 seconds. Then do the same movement to the left. Feel when the muscles in the waist, arms and back feel attracted.

This simple yoga movement has a function to burn fat in the abdomen and keep the liver, kidneys and stomach functioning normally.

3. Downward dog


Position yourself in a state of warmth. Then press all of your feet and toes to the floor, and place your hands slightly in front of your shoulder. Make sure your hand is aligned straight below the shoulders and the knees are open parallel to the hips. Then lift your buttocks toward the ceiling and push your heel to the floor until it forms an inverted V letter. Keep your head relaxed, and try to hold the position for 1-3 minutes.

This pose serves to stretch the muscles of the arms, chest, legs and back.

4. Warrior one


Stand up straight, then take about 3 big steps back with your left foot. Then bend your right leg to form a 90 degree angle so that its position is just above the ankle. Lift your hands above your head and lower your upper body towards the floor. Make sure if your fingers are open and position the view facing up. Hold position for 30 seconds to 1 minute, repeat by changing feet.

5. Warrior two


Stand and stretch your legs about 3-4 steps, then bend your right leg to form a 90 degree angle. Place your hands on your hips and relax your shoulders. Then stretch your arms to the side with your palms facing down. After that, turn your gaze towards your right hand. Hold this pose for 1 minute, and repeat the movement by changing the foot to a different side.

Without fear of dehydration and excessive fatigue, 5 yoga movements during fasting that have been described above can you do while waiting for the time to break the fast. So fasting is no reason to laze around and not exercise, right? Because if you regularly exercise even if only with a light intensity, the benefits of fasting for health can be felt more optimally. Good luck!

5 Simple Yoga Poses to Maintain Fitness During Fasting
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