4 Risks from Dental Veneer Care Trends



Lately, dental veneers have become one of the beauty trends that are being loved by women. Besides being able to improve tooth structure, the veneer procedure can also whiten the smile of your teeth to make it more beautiful, white and radiant. But besides that, there is a danger lurking in the installation of veneers in the teeth. Approximately, what are the dangers of veneers in the teeth? See the explanation below.

What is dental veneer?

Dental veneers are artificial layers that are used to coat the front of human teeth. The purpose of installing this veneer is usually to make the color of the teeth whiter, otherwise it can also be used to flatten the uneven surface of the tooth, as well as close the gap and tooth cracks.

Initially, the veneer layer will be printed first in the laboratory before being installed. The manufacturing materials are also used variously, including porcelain, ceramics and composites. The installation costs also vary depending on the type of material used and the number of teeth to be installed veneer.

The danger of attaching dental veneers

1. The color of the teeth is not the same

According to The Journal of the American Dental Association, the color of dental veneers depends on various factors. One of the factors is the basic color of the original tooth that will determine the color and type of veneer substance to be installed.

The Cleveland Clinic also said that the installation of veneers on the teeth can experience discoloration or the presence of stains on the edges of the teeth. Usually it is caused by a moisture problem when the doctor installs a veneer. However, the doctor cannot change or correct the veneer color after you install it. However, the original color of dental veneers can usually last 5-10 years after installation.

2. Problems with installing veneers

A minor accident when installing a veneer is also not necessarily possible for all doctors to avoid, one example is the incorrect position of the veneer. If this happens, your teeth can experience damage and decay on the outside of the edge of the veneer. In addition, the existence of problems related to placement include slimy or coarse coatings, which can cause dental floss to enter the edge of the veneer. Installation of veneers can also make it difficult for you to clean your teeth, and even your gums can be irritated.

3. The teeth become more sensitive

Installing a dental veneer means requiring the doctor to remove tooth enamel from the tooth surface. It cannot be denied also that teeth can become sensitive afterwards. This often causes discomfort when you eat or drink cold and hot drinks. Especially if during the installation, your doctor removes too much tooth enamel, this will turn off your tooth tissue.

4. Other hazards

In addition to the 3 general effects of dental veneer installation as described above, the Cleveland Clinic notes that dental veneers made of porcelain, can or can crack easily. Teeth with veneers can also be damaged when biting or chewing hard objects such as ice, pencils or even your fingernails. Such things can put too much pressure on the dental veneer, which will cause it to loose or fall on the installed veneer.

4 Risks from Dental Veneer Care Trends
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