For What Does Routine Do Scaling Teeth?


Medical Video: Dental Advice : How to Clean Teeth with Dental Tools

Healthy and clean teeth can certainly increase your confidence. Not enough just to brush your teeth, a lot of dental care that you can do to maintain healthy teeth. One of them is dental scaling.

What is dental scaling?

Dental scaling is a tartar cleaning procedure using a device called a ultrasonic scaler. The tartar itself is a pile of plaques that have hardened and stuck to the teeth. The tartar makes the appearance of the teeth dull and unkempt, because the hard plaque covers the teeth with a layer of brown, black and black.

Unlike the plaque that can be cleaned by brushing your teeth, tartar is not easy to clean in the same way. Scaling teeth can clean even very hard corals.

This special tool works to clean between the deepest parts of the teeth from the tartar pile and the gum line that is usually difficult to reach with a toothbrush.

tooth scaling

Other benefits of dental scaling?

Scaling teeth not only cleanse teeth from the coral, but can also prevent some diseases. Here are some diseases caused by tartar:

Dental problems. Tartar will be a place for various bacteria. These bacteria can cause various dental problems, generally are halitosis (smelly mouth), gum itching, gum bleeding. In addition, acids released by bacteria can make cavities. The tartar can also erode the bone supporting the teeth and make the tooth shake even it can escape.

Gingivitis. Dental problems caused by tartar when underestimated will irritate and cause inflammation of the gums (gingivitis). This disease makes the gums red, swollen, and easily bleed.

Periodontitis. If gingivitis is not treated, it will become more severe, known as periodontitis. This disease causes a distance between the gums and teeth called the pouch. When the bag is filled with bacteria, the body's immune system naturally releases chemicals to fight the bacteria. Reactions from chemicals released by the body and bacteria can damage the teeth bones. Eventually it causes the bones, gums, and supporting tissues of the gums to disintegrate.

Heart disease. Quoted from WebMD, bacteria that cause gum disease can also increase the risk of heart disease. Bacteria contained in tartar can infect tooth supporting tissues and can spread throughout the body. These bacteria enter the bloodstream and can spread to other organs such as the heart.

How many times do you have to do dental scaling?

Dental scaling is recommended every 6 months. However, for some severe cases, dental scaling can be done every 3 months.When doing dental scaling there may be bleeding, swollen gums and pain. This happens because the gums and teeth that are confused adjust to the scaling process.

For What Does Routine Do Scaling Teeth?
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