5 Changes at Home to Prevent Asthma Attacks


Medical Video: How an asthma attack occurs

Asthma is a condition in which there is a disruption in the flow of air in the lungs. This makes breathing difficult and causes coughing, wheezing, until shortness of breath.

Although in some people asthma is a minor disorder, asthma can also be a major problem for many people. Because there is no treatment for asthma, the goal of treatment is to control the disease by identifying and limiting exposure to triggers, which can cause symptoms that last from a few minutes to weekly. Some common triggers include air pollution, allergies, cold air, respiratory problems, heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), smoke, and sharp odors.

There are a number of things you can do to prevent or reduce asthma attacks and symptoms. Make sure the people around know your condition, so they can help you in the event of a sudden asthma attack. Always take asthma drugs that work fast.

Here are some solutions to reduce asthma attacks in your home.

1. Avoid moisture

To reduce asthma attacks, you must pay attention to air quality. Weather that is too hot and humid and poor air quality can trigger asthma symptoms for some people. Also avoid polluted areas that can worsen your condition.

  • Use air conditioners to reduce humidity in the room and reduce pollen from trees and grass that can enter the room.
  • Always close the window when the wind is blowing hard.
  • If you live in a humid climate, consult your doctor to use a dehumidifier.
  • Avoid staying on busy highways where the risk of air pollution is high.
  • If possible, move to a location where you can enjoy fresh air.
  • Avoid temperature changes in a short time.

2. Limit dust exposure

Dust is one of the main triggers of asthma, because it contains small particles such as powder, fungus, clothing fibers, and detergent. Other triggers are dust mites, which are small insects found on sheets, blankets, pillows, mattresses, furniture, carpets and toys. Keep your home free of dust and dust mites.

  • Clean and replace the AC filter regularly.
  • Remove the carpet and curtains from the bedroom.
  • Wash all sheets and toys regularly with hot water.
  • Use a cover to prevent allergens from pillows and mattresses.
  • Vacuum your home twice a week.
  • Clean the surface from dust with a damp cloth.
  • Use a mask and gloves when cleaning and vacuuming to limit contact with dust and chemicals.
  • Avoid using curtains that collect dust and weight for your window. You can use shades and curtains that are easy to wash.
  • Always trim things.
  • Store washed clothes in a closet.
  • Keep the bedroom well ventilated.

3. Avoid mold

Mushrooms and mildew are allergens that can trigger asthma symptoms. Mushrooms grow in damp areas such as bathroom curtains, toiletries, bathtubs, sinks and tiles. Pay attention to damp places in the kitchen, bathroom, basementand around the yard. Avoid and clean mildew as soon as it appears.

  • Use a dehumidifier or exhaust when taking a shower.
  • Clean the damp area in the bathroom, kitchen and around the house to prevent mold growth.
  • At the beginning of the mold, clean it with soap and warm water.
  • If it cannot be washed, remove moldy objects.
  • Remove moldy leaves and damp firewood from the yard.
  • Fix leaking channels or water sources as soon as possible.
  • Remove plants from home. Plant in a garden or yard. To prevent mold, make sure not to water the plants too much and keep them in the sun.

4. Avoid pets

Pets can trigger a series of asthma in people who are allergic to it. Hair particles, fur and saliva are quite common triggers of asthma.

If you can't separate from your pet, make sure you do the following.

  • Pets prohibited from entering the room.
  • Ban animals from riding on your home furniture.
  • Bathe or clean pets regularly.
  • Do not allow children with asthma to play with dogs, cats or other animals.

5. Eradicate cockroaches

Cockroaches can also be triggers for allergies and asthma. Cockroaches produce substances that cause allergic reactions in people who have asthma, as well as coughing and wheezing in infants and children. It is important to eradicate cockroaches from your home.

  • Don't leave food, water and garbage open.
  • Don't leave animal food outside overnight.
  • Clean dishes and cutlery after using them.
  • Don't leave leftovers and drinks on the table. Clean with soapy water.
  • Use a cockroach trap or gel to eradicate cockroaches.
  • Every 2 - 3 days, vacuum, broom and mop area where you see cockroaches.
  • Check the yard and garage to find insect nests.
  • Close all the gaps that can be passed by cockroaches, such as sinks, leaky pipes and others.
  • Reduce moisture in your home because it can increase the growth of cockroaches and other pests.
  • If needed, contact a pest control specialist to get rid of cockroaches.
5 Changes at Home to Prevent Asthma Attacks
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