Can Leech Therapy Help Treatment of Diabetes?


Medical Video: Diabetes - treatment with Leech

Leeches have been used in medicine since the beginning of human civilization. They have been used to treat various diseases, including nervous system abnormalities, dental problems, skin diseases, and infections.

Today, they are mostly used in plastic surgery and other minor surgeries. This is because leeches secrete peptides and proteins that work to prevent blood clots. This makes blood flow to the wound to help them heal.

However, leech therapy is heading towards a resurgence because of its simple and inexpensive way to prevent complications.

Can leech therapy help diabetics?

The development of diabetes can cause various problems that can cause vessel disease to limit or prevent blood from reaching the toes, fingers, hands and feet. When blood flow is severely restricted, affected tissue can die. This is the main cause of amputation among people with diabetes. Loss of part or limb due to complications from diabetes is a major concern for millions of people around the world.

The most effective way to stop this process is to increase circulation to the affected tissue without the risk of blood clots. Research has shown that leech therapy can play a role.

A recent case study shows how Unani traditional medicine, which includes leech therapy, was able to help save the feet of a 60-year-old woman with diabetes who is threatened with amputation. The synthetic form of leech saliva now exists, but researchers have found that using at least 4 leeches in one session can help reduce the risk of amputation.

Other uses for leech therapy

During the walking session, live leeches are attached to the target area and draw blood. They release proteins and peptides that thin the blood and prevent clotting, thereby increasing circulation and preventing tissue death. Leeches leave small Y-shaped wounds that usually heal without leaving scars.

Because leeches are very effective at increasing blood circulation and breaking blood clots, it should not be surprising that they can be used to treat circulatory disorders and cardiovascular disease.

Chemicals from leech saliva have been made into pharmaceutical drugs that can treat:

  • Hypertension
  • Varicose veins
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Arthritis
  • Skin problems

Leech saliva is also being tested as a potential treatment for cancer and its potential to stop the spread of cancer cells. Animal testing shows that directly injecting leech saliva into dogs helps prevent colonization of cancer cells.

Are there any side effects?

Leech therapy is easy and has a lower risk of side effects from other therapies. However, don't jump into leech-filled waters and expect a miracle. There is a risk of bacterial infection, sometimes involving bacteria that are resistant to drugs. So be sure to avoid leeches outside the controlled environment.

Can Leech Therapy Help Treatment of Diabetes?
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