Choice of Breast Cancer Surgery


Medical Video: Expedited Breast Cancer Treatment - Brachytherapy - Mayo Clinic

Breast cancer can be treated through several available surgical options. Patients are advised to consider various factors in choosing the best type of surgery.

Breast cancer diagnosed early is usually treated through surgery. The type of operation that you are going to live depends on several important factors. These factors are the size of the cancer and the spread of cancer, especially its spread to lymph nodes or other body parts. In addition, breast size and personal priorities also need to be considered before deciding on a treatment plan.

Basically there are two main categories of operations, namely surgery to remove cancerous tissue and surgery to check the spread of cancer to the lymph nodes. If cancer cells are found, the doctor will remove the lymph nodes according to the procedure.

The death rate of breast cancer patients cannot improve, unless there is early cancer detection and increasingly modern surgical and maintenance techniques.

You are advised to find out more about the choice of surgery. This can help you to make the best decisions for health, so you can support the number of people with breast cancer who are recovering.

Operation Breast-Conserving

Lumpectomy is a surgical removal of cancerous tissue or a lump in the breast along with a small portion of healthy tissue around the cancer. This operation is also called breast-conserving surgery or breast-sparing surgery. In addition, there is an operating procedure called quadrantectomy to remove about a quarter of the breast. This number is classified as more than the number of breast parts removed through a lumpectomy procedure.

After undergoing a lumpectomy, the doctor can recommend patients to undergo local radiation therapy. This therapy aims to destroy microscopic cancer cells that may remain postoperatively. This radiation therapy uses equipment that can accurately focus the energy beam on the affected area only. Healthy cells damaged by radiation therapy can usually heal on their own. The most common side effect of this radiation therapy is damage to the skin such as sunburn.

To reduce the risk of spreading cancer, drug therapy (otherwise known as adjuvant therapy) can be done after surgery. There are two types of drugs used in this therapy, namely chemotherapy and anti-estrogen drugs. Chemotherapy involves drugs designed to destroy cancer cells. Side effects of chemotherapy, including:

  • Nausea
  • Gag
  • Hair loss
  • Low blood cell count

However, modern chemotherapy techniques have now been able to alleviate these side effects. Apart from chemotherapy, anti-estrogen is also often recommended depending on hormone sensitivity to cancer and other risk factors. This medicine can be taken directly, and the side effects are relatively mild.


Operation breast-conserving now they tend to be chosen more than mastectomy. Mastectomy is surgery to remove the entire breast. However, some women may prefer a mastectomy to ensure that the cancer is completely gone.

In a simple mastectomy (or called a total mastectomy), the surgeon will indeed remove the entire breast. However, the lymph nodes under the arm or muscle tissue under the breast will not be removed.

Basically modified radical mastectomy is almost the same as total mastectomy. The difference is that the lymph nodes under the arm are also removed. This operation is preferred over radical mastectomy, which was once very common. In addition to lifting the breast and lymph nodes, the surgeon will also lift the chest muscles (pectoral) in a radical mastectomy procedure. Radical mastectomy causes significant deformity, while disability / deformation due to radical mastectomy is classified as lighter. In addition, modified radical mastectomy also works effectively to treat cancer.

Women with a very high risk of breast cancer can choose the surgical removal of both breasts. This procedure is called a double mastectomy. Total mastectomy can prevent cancer from developing from one breast to another.

Lymph node surgery

There are two basic surgeries performed to determine the spread of cancer to the lymph nodes near the breast. The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and glands that carry fluids called lymph throughout the body. The lymph system (lymph) is an important part of the immune system. Lymph nodes will fight infection and filter out toxic substances in the body.

Lymph nodes that are very susceptible to being attacked by breast cancer are called sentinel glands. This gland is located in a collection of lymph nodes in the armpit (axilla). In the procedure sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB), doctors take sentinel glands. The gland will then be examined to check for the presence or absence of cancer cells. If no cancer cells are found through the SLNB procedure, chances are you don't need to undergo more lymph node removal surgery.

But if cancer cells are found, you may be advised to undergo a surgical procedure known as axillary lymph node dissection (ALND). ALND involves taking large amounts of lymph nodes from under the arm. Samples will be tested to determine the presence of cancer cells. This procedure can be done simultaneously with a mastectomy or surgery breast-conserving. However, it is possible that this procedure will be carried out separately.

One of the serious side effects of ALND is lymphedema. Lymphedema is characterized by swelling of the arm due to accumulation of fluid. This buildup of fluid is caused by the loss of lymphatic vessels in the lymph nodes which help the body to maintain fluid balance.

Breast reconstruction

Many women choose to restore breast shape after cancer surgery. This process is called breast reconstruction. In some cases, breast reconstruction can be carried out simultaneously with surgery or later. The surgeon can use skin and fat (taken from the abdomen or other parts of your body) to duplicate the original breast form. Alternatively, saline or silicone implants can also be used.

Concerns about the safety of silicone implants have been addressed by technological advances. At the moment, many are choosing the latest and thicker silicone material called cohesive gel.

If you are interested in having breast reconstruction surgery, consult your surgeon and reconstruction specialist. They can discuss options along with the risks associated with this procedure.

Breast cancer surgery has consequences, both physically and psychologically. Reassure your feelings before and after undergoing surgery because this is an important part of the healing process.

If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, discuss all treatment options with your doctor. Also, look for other opinions about surgery and the prognosis that can strengthen your decision. Breast cancer surgery can be a choice that can cure and change your life.

Choice of Breast Cancer Surgery
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