Watch out! Habits of Drinking Alcohol and Smoking Can Cause Hypertension


Medical Video: Smoking Causes Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema

For some people, it doesn't feel like smoking is not accompanied by drinking liquor. But you need to be more careful about the dangers of liquor and cigarettes. Both can increase the risk of hypertension or high blood pressure, which in turn will increase the risk of heart disease.

The effects of smoking and the dangers of liquor on blood pressure and heart health have actually been well known for a long time. Here's the explanation.

What are the effects of smoking on blood pressure?

Smoking causes direct blood pressure to rise sharply after the first suction - increasing the systolic blood pressure level by 4 millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Nicotine in tobacco products triggers the nervous system to release chemicals that can constrict blood vessels and contribute to increased blood pressure.

Smoking also causes long-term damage to blood vessels, so it not only increases the risk of hypertension, but can develop other diseases later in life such as strokes, heart disease, and heart attacks.

In simple terms, the combination of smoking and hypertension puts you at greater risk of developing the various diseases mentioned above compared to people who have hypertension but don't smoke.

What are the dangers of liquor on blood pressure?

In small portions, alcohol works to dilate blood vessels and even reduce blood pressure temporarily. Even so, various studies have stated that the habit of drinking excessive amounts of alcohol for a long time can increase your risk of hypertension, or worsen the condition if you have already been diagnosed.

Alcohol can actually narrow blood vessels if consumed in high doses and repeated. Over time, this can also cause damage to blood vessels and other internal organs which certainly increases various health risks.

To control blood pressure so that it is always within the normal range, consume no more than one alcoholic drink per day for women and no more than two drinks per day for men. If you reduce alcohol consumption, research shows that this can reduce the systolic blood pressure level by 3 mm Hg.

How do I stop smoking and limit myself to drinking alcohol?

Here are some tips to help you quit smoking and limit alcohol intake.

1. Commit to quit

Set the start date, and if necessary sign a contract with the closest spouse or person to stop smoking. After that, get rid of all your tobacco equipment such as cigarettes, matches, ashtrays, anything related to smoking. Consult with a doctor about using nicotine gum or other tools.

2. Avoid smoking triggers

Do you always feel like smoking when you drink coffee, after eating, or while hanging out in a cafe? Look for other activities as long as you do these things. Take a walk after a meal, drink water instead of coffee, and chew your gum while hanging out in a cafe, for example.

3. Busy yourself

Pamper yourself with fun activities that will divert your mind from smoking and drinking like watching a movie, going shopping, sightseeing, or just doing a new hobby to fill your time that will give you a sense of pleasure and satisfaction.

4. Recognize signs of dependence

If you have difficulty limiting alcohol, you might need outside help. When alcohol begins to affect work, school, or relationships, it is time to seek professional help. The support community can help, but a detoxification program (stopping total alcohol consumption) and rehabilitation may be needed if you are a heavy drinker.

You cannot always prevent high blood pressure, but you can control risk factors for hypertension such as cigarettes and alcohol.

Watch out! Habits of Drinking Alcohol and Smoking Can Cause Hypertension
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