What are the Causes of Joint Pain?


Medical Video: What Causes Osteoarthritis Joint Disease? - Manipal Hospital

Joint pain affects everyone at least once in a lifetime. This is a very common problem with many causes. In general, joint pain is a result of joint disorders or joint injuries. The following are some of the common causes of joint pain:


Arthritis is the most common cause of joint pain. The two main types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis causes damage to the joint cartilage, which causes swelling, inflammation, stiffness and inability to move. This usually affects the wrists, hands, hips and knees. Cartilage in the joints serves as a cushion and shock absorber in your joints.

Osteoarthritis is usually a gradual process in which cartilage damage deteriorates over time. Obesity can cause pressure on your joints and make you more at risk of arthritis. Usually by staying active and maintaining a healthy weight can slow down this development.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune joint disorder in which the body's immune system attacks normal tissue in your joints. This causes inflammation, which causes joint pain and cartilage damage. Rheumatoid arthritis more often affects women than men and can damage and weaken joints over time. In addition to inflammation, fluid buildup can add to joint pain.


There are various types of conditions that can cause arthritis. When this inflamed layer of joint tissue is called traumatic synovitis. When the pads around the joint are inflamed, this is called bursitis. This condition is generally a result of joint injury. The best way to prevent joint injuries is to use protective clothing and shoes that are right when playing sports or while doing other activities.

Gout / gout or pseudogout

Gout causes a sudden onset of pain, redness and pain in the joints, which usually occurs in the big toe. Gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid, which is a by-product of protein breakdown. The kidneys usually cannot remove excess uric acid if it is not functioning properly or when you eat certain foods with high levels of uric acid. These foods include red meat, seafood and beer.

When uric acid levels become high, crystal formation in the joints causes inflammation and severe pain. If the level becomes very high, crystal formation will occur in the joint. Crystals cause joints to become inflamed and very painful. You can manage your gout with regular exercise and a healthy diet. Instead of drinking alcohol and sweet drinks, you have to drink lots of mineral water.

Pseudogout is a condition similar to gout, where calcium crystals are stored in and around the joints. However, unlike gout, pseudogout usually affects the knee joint. The cause of pseudogout is still unclear. Old age and family history can increase risk.

Kneecap damage

Have you ever heard of Chondromalacia? This is also known as the "runner's knee" and is a condition where the cartilage in your kneecap (patella) is damaged. This can occur in young and active people and in older adults who have arthritis. Chondromalacia is most often caused by injury due to excessive exercise or improper knee alignment, which is seen in many runners. You can treat this problem yourself with anti-inflammatory, ice bags, and rest.

Sprain and tension

Joint pain can also be caused by sprains and tension. Sometimes when you experience a sprain or tension, the ligament becomes torn. Your ligaments are tissues that connect bones in the joints. Sprains and tensions usually occur when you fall, or get hurt. Besides joint pain, you may experience swelling and difficulty moving. In some cases, muscle spasms can occur. The initial treatment for sprains and strains includes resting the injured part, ice therapy and bandages to compress and stabilize the joints.

This is the most common cause for joint pain. The best way to control your risk is through proper exercise, a healthy diet and wearing protection during physical activity.

What are the Causes of Joint Pain?
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