If your weight is normal, can you still go on a diet program?


Medical Video: How to Lose Weight and Get More Energy in 15 Days

Being slim is indeed a dream for many people. Many people struggle to get the ideal body weight with a strict diet. In fact, there are also people who still have the desire to lose weight even though their weight is already in the normal category. Usually this happens to people who are less satisfied with their body shape and want their body to be slimmer again. Is it healthy to keep on a diet even though I already have a normal weight?

Is my weight normal?

Ideal body weight can be easily known from body mass index (IMT) or in English is called body mass index (BMI). You can calculate BMI with the following formula:

im bmi

From these results, consider the following weight categories.

  • Less weight: <18.5
  • Normal weight: 18.5 - 24.9
  • Excess weight: 25-29.9
  • Obesity: ≥ 30

However, IMT does not provide a thorough evaluation. For example because there is no calculation of the percentage of fat, there is no consideration of gender, age, waist size, physical activity, and not considering ethnic factors.

If I already have a normal weight, can I still continue the diet?

As explained above, the ideal BMI reaches the limit of 18.5. In general, you can still be considered normal before crossing that line. However, when your BMI exceeds this limit, you are in the category of underweight.

Like when you are overweight, lack of weight can also cause various health problems. Especially for people who do the program improper diet. What are the health problems that accompany people who are underweight?

Malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, or anemia

As you know, the human body needs a variety of nutrients, vitamins and minerals to carry out various activities and metabolism of the body. If you do a diet program until your body is very thin, you can lack the nutrients needed by the body.

This causes your body not to run the process properly and can actually cause various health problems. For example, when you don't eat meat, you can lack iron and protein. You will lose body strength because the muscles are broken down into energy and have decreased metabolic ability due to iron deficiency.

Iron deficiency can cause anemia. In addition, you will feel energized throughout the day and always feel weak.


If you lack intake of vitamin D and calcium, the body will take its needs from your bones. As you know, bones contain calcium. If a continuous supply of calcium in the bone is taken, then the bone will become porous and you run the risk of experiencing it osteoporosis.

Weakened body resistance

When your body weight is below normal, there is a disruption in your body's defense system. In other words, you will be more susceptible to disease.

Increases the risk of postoperative complications

People with underweight are also prone to complications from postoperative diseases compared to those who have normal weight.


For you Eve, menstrual schedule will be disturbed even stop if you are very thin. This indicates that your egg cell production process is disrupted and can cause infertility.

Men who are too thin have also been shown to be infertile because the quality and production of sperm cells will be disrupted. Therefore, both men and women should still focus on maintaining a normal weight.

Impaired growth and development

This disorder occurs mainly in children and adolescents. Teens really need nutrients for the growth and development of their organs. Lack of nutrients will cause their growth and development to stunt. Therefore, basically an excessive diet is not recommended for teenagers.

Instead of constantly dieting, it's better to exercise to form the ideal body

If your body wants to look more attractive, continuing to lose weight is not the right step. It's a good idea to do physical exercise or exercise. With physical exercise, you can burn fat in parts of your body.

The problem is, the percentage of fat in the body also affects the appearance of your body. In addition, with physical exercise, you can also tighten the muscles that make you look fit. For example with sit-ups to tighten the abdominal muscles, squat to tighten the thigh muscles and buttocks, push-ups to tighten your chest, and so on.

If your weight is normal, can you still go on a diet program?
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