4 Causes of Fragile and Easily Broken Nails


Medical Video: Top 3 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Weak, Brittle, Cracked And Split Nails

The fingernail is made of a protein layer called keratin. New nail cells grow under the cuticle, causing old cells to thicken and harden, then push out toward the fingertips. Unfortunately, not everyone has strong and healthy nails. Soft, brittle and easily broken fingernails are a common condition.

Fragile nails are a mirror of a number of problems in the body that you may not have noticed before. Anything?

1. Lack of mineral and vitamin intake

Thin and soft nails that are easily bent or broken are often associated with low levels of zync and iron in the body (anemia). These three minerals have an important role in the formation of hemoglobin, a protein contained in red blood cells to carry oxygen from the lungs throughout the body, including in the nail matrix. Without sufficient mineral intake, the growth of healthy nails will be disrupted.

Curved nail surface (nail pits) and easily broken ends, often found in patients with psoriasis. In addition, lack of intake of vitamin C, complex B vitamins, folic acid and calcium are common causes of dull and dry nails, and are easily broken.

2. clubbing syndrome

In addition, lack of oxygen intake into the nail matrix can also cause clubbing (clubbing nails), a condition characterized by the surface of the nail becoming convex and curved, the tip of the nail is rounded without angles. Long-term lack of oxygen levels (chronic hypoxia), especially in the periphery of the fingers, will stimulate the brain to dilate blood vessels in the fingers. The condition of the percussion finger is permanent and shows the possibility of congenital lung and heart disease.

In addition to the effects of heart and lung disorders, this disorder can also be caused by gastrointestinal disorders (malabsorption, Chron's disease, cirrhosis, hepatopulmonary syndrome as a complication of cirrhosis) or hyperthyroidism.

3. Stress

Healthy hand nails generally grow around 1 millimeter per week (twice as fast as toenails) and require about six months for nails to grow fully from the bottom up. Heavy stress can accelerate nail growth to defeat its strength. In addition, stress can also trigger subconscious habits to scratch / rub or bite finger nails to cause the nail cushions to erode. As a result, the nails will be bumpy and brittle when they grow back.

4. Bacterial and fungal infections

Nails are one of the most common dermatological conditions, and are mostly caused by fungal infections. The fungus will attack the pads and surface of the nails, especially on the toenails due to the moisture in the socks and shoes, the main source where bacteria breed.

If you are concerned about a change in your nails, whether it's texture or color, you should immediately consult with your doctor. The doctor will do a physical examination of your nails and compare them with a number of possibilities caused by various health conditions.

4 Causes of Fragile and Easily Broken Nails
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