6 Things You Must Ask Your Doctor Before Plastic Surgery


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Before plastic surgery, there are many things to consider. You are advised to find out as much information as possible about operating procedures, what things should be prepared, and various risks that may occur from mild to serious. You can't guess or just find out in cyberspace. We recommend that you immediately see a doctor and consult first to answer the things you want to know.

There are several things that are mandatory and important to know from a doctor. Well, here is a list of the main questions that you should make sure to consult with a specialist before making a plastic surgery decision. Check out what the questions are below.

Which should be asked by a doctor before plastic surgery

1. A track record of a doctor's experience

Before plastic surgery, it's a good idea to sort out the most superior doctors in their field. First, you can ask for the plastic surgery certificate he has. Then, basically you have to know what surgery and surgeons are needed first.

For example, Reconstruction specialists usually handle cases such as burns, injuries from accidents, congenital defects, or birth defects. Whereas cosmetic surgery is usually for a type of aesthetic surgery.

While the reputation and doctor's certificate must be known to avoid you becoming a malpractice victim. Don't forget to also ask how many surgeries the doctor has handled. This is useful to convince you that the doctor is an expert and is trusted in his field.

2. Where and how the surgical procedure is performed

Generally there are several operating procedures performed. In addition, you may be allowed to go outpatient after surgery. You may also have to be hospitalized fully at the hospital. Usually the doctor will consider several factors such as age, health, and distance of your home with the place of surgery.

However, for hospital care as a whole, it usually costs more than outpatient care. Well, this is what must be considered. Don't forget to think about health risk factors during and after surgery.

3. Know what type of anesthesia the doctor will use

At this consultation stage, it is important that you ask what type of anesthesia will be used during surgery. The following is an example of anesthesia which will be explained before plastic surgery is performed.

  • General anesthesia. Performed to suppress the central nervous system which makes you unconscious during the operation. This anesthetic is generally injected into the body, or through gas that is inserted in the respiratory tract.
  • Regional anesthesia. This anesthesia is injected around the central nerve to eliminate feeling in certain areas of the body. Whereas in other parts of your body you will remain conscious. Still divided into two types again in this type of anesthesia, namely spinal anesthesia which is injected into the patient's spine and epidural anesthesia.
  • Local anesthesia. Injected into certain body parts. Its function is to eliminate the sensation in the part you want to dissect. Generally, patients will remain conscious after being sedated under local anesthesia.

4. How big the risk from the operation that you will undergo?

Every operation must have its own risks. Before plastic surgery, it's a good idea to ask the doctor what risks might occur. The risk of serious surgery, usually associated with blood loss, infection, or excessive reaction to general anesthesia. Although it is rare, the result can refer to death.

There are several types of procedures that are more dangerous than others, although recent advances continue to make complications less likely. Because plastic surgery is an option, the surgeon will usually refuse to dissect any patient who feels the risk is too big. Therefore, serious complications with plastic surgery are actually rare.

You can also ask how many serious complications related to plastic surgery you will undergo, even though this is actually prohibited. However, your surgeon must be willing to provide this information so that you feel comfortable making the most appropriate choice for your own health and safety.

5. See photos before-after other patients who have been operated on by your doctor

Usually, professional doctors will show "before-after" photos of patients they handle for their promotional material, or they can be illustrated images.

Ask your doctor to show the results of the patient he has handled. Generally, these photos are only permitted for surgeons who have completed the training requirements for certain plastic surgery certification holders.

6. What are the details of the total cost?

Once you are steady and confident in choosing the desired surgeon, it is time for you to know the cost of the plastic surgery that will be done. The reason is, some people do not realize that there will be more costs in addition to core costs.

For example, there are anesthesia fees, operating room costs, laboratory costs, and a number of other costs that can affect the budget. Ask for written details along with the total operating costs, also make sure that this operation includes the health insurance that you have.

6 Things You Must Ask Your Doctor Before Plastic Surgery
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