7 Easy Ways to Overcome Sunburned Skin


Medical Video: Sunburn - Cool a Sunburn with Inside-Out Hydration

The holiday season arrives, and which other destinations are most attractive to relax for a moment and enjoy the sun? Of course beach. Summer vacation is exciting. The scorching heat of the sun makes us eager to move outdoors, such as swimming, surfing, or cycling around the city, after months of continuous rain. However, there is one thing that cannot be avoided. Linger in the sun can cause the skin to burn so it feels even itchy and the skin color turns reddish.

Fortunately, there are several easy ways you can do it yourself at home to treat sunburn aka sunburned skin.

1. Cold water

Basically, sunburn is skin inflammation. Inflammation usually causes a sensation of heat that can be resisted with cold water compresses. One of the best and fastest ways to relieve sunburn is to bathe, it doesn't matter if you are outside, for example on the beach near the sea, river or lake. Soak in water every few minutes to prevent more severe sunburn. But, be careful with pool water. Chlorine contained in swimming pool water can irritate inflamed skin.

2. Baking soda & oatmeal

When bathing at home, add a few tablespoons of baking soda inside bathtub. Also add a cup of oatmeal to help the skin regain its natural moisture and relieve irritation.

Don't rub your skin, either in the shower or afterwards. Pat your body with a soft towel to dry the body.

3. Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is not only useful for relaxing your mind when stress strikes, but also good for treating burned skin. Brew tea as usual and let it cool for a moment. After that, soak the clean washcloth in the tea and compress the burned skin area.

4. Vinegar

The effectiveness of vinegar as an antidote sunburn still confusing. Some people argue that pouring one half cup of vinegar into a bath can relieve the pain caused sunburn. However, many say otherwise. Acids contained in vinegar are believed to aggravate skin conditions. If you have never tested this method on a smaller area of ​​the skin, do not try to use vinegar in larger burns.

5. Wear loose clothing

During the healing process, do not wear tight clothes or remove the body. The skin is the biggest organ you have, appreciate the hard work of the skin to protect you by allowing it to "breathe" after experiencing severe trauma due to it sunburn. Natural fibers like cotton are the best clothing material that you can use during the healing process of burning skin.

6. Drink lots of water

While the skin is trying to improve itself, you must provide enough fluid in the body to provide moisture for the skin that has been lost sunburn. If previously you rarely drank water, it might be affected sunburn is the best reason for you to start diligently drinking water.

7. Don't forget, moisturizer!

After all the efforts you make produce satisfactory results, the skin still needs regular care. Skin that has just recovered from all kinds of damage is usually prone to peeling. To avoid this, always use moisturizing lotions all over your body, especially in areas of the skin that have been infected. Use only body lotion that does not use fragrances and artificial coloring (look for products labeled "for sensitive skin") to minimize the risk of irritation that is increasingly becoming.

7 Easy Ways to Overcome Sunburned Skin
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