3 Lessons Needed by Children Before Starting School


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It's time for the little one to undergo a new phase in his life, namely school. Even if he is just starting to enter playgroup, this is still a big thing for your child because he will learn to socialize while absorbing new information.

But before you release your baby to his new school, make sure he has learned the following three important things.

1. Dispose of water in the toilet

Feeling like you want to go to the bathroom when you are in school is one of the things that kids are most worried about. Nothing, your child still can't control their bladder. At 5 years old, 15% of children are at risk for bedwetting during the day. Your child may suddenly die (so they have to pee right now!), Or he doesn't recognize the body's signals that he has to pee. Plus, children at this age tend to be busy in their activities and wait for the last seconds to pee.

The teacher will usually schedule a break to go to the bathroom, but explain to your child that he can ask permission to go to the bathroom whenever he wants. When in kindergarten (TK), the child's bladder has the capacity to last three to five hours, so they have to urinate at least twice during the day. Remind your child to go to the toilet an hour after lunch, because most incidents of bedwetting occur between 2 and 5 a.m. Explain that if he accidentally peed in his pants, their teacher would help, and they would not need to be embarrassed because it happened to many children.

You can help your child by ensuring that he can unbutton his own pants. Even though your child may look adorable in clothes overalls, this type of clothing is difficult to open quickly by small children. Leggings being tight is a big challenge for little girls, so try to avoid wearing tight pants until he can open his pants.

2. Art of friendship

Getting into a class full of new faces can make a child nervous. To increase his courage, give him a lesson on how to be friends.

First lesson: Make sure he knows that his classmates are also as nervous as he is. Talk about how you got friends when you just entered work or entered the mother group. "Maybe you feel scared at first, but later everything will be fine."

Try role playing to help your child feel comfortable approaching potential friends. He might look for similarities in himself and his friends. ("Hello, I'm Rino. Your bag is good! That's my favorite color. What's your favorite color?") Let him order food in the restaurant or give money to the cashier so he can practice to talk to new people.

Don't forget to teach your child how to be a good friend, like sharing and taking turns while playing. Praise him when he shares a toy or waits to use a swing in the park, and explain that his friends will be happy if he does the same thing at school.

3. Learn to Eat Alone

Your child's motor skills are still developing, so opening a plastic container or food wrap will be a difficult struggle for him.

Avoid difficulties at mealtime by giving him exercise lunch at home. You will know what you cannot open yourself, so you have time to rethink how you can package and serve food to make it easier for your little one.

3 Lessons Needed by Children Before Starting School
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