8 Liposuction Facts You Need to Know


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Liposuction is a form of cosmetic surgery used to remove unwanted body fat. This operation is usually carried out in areas that are still fatty when they are on a diet and exercise but are not effective at burning the fat. In women, areas that are often the target of liposuction are usually in the area of ​​the thighs, abdomen, and hips. Come on, look at the facts you have to know before and after liposuction.

1. Liposuction is not for obese obese people

Liposuction or liposuction is a medical procedure to remove fat, but this is not a form of treatment or a way to lose weight for obese people. If you want to liposuction, it's a good idea to be 30% heavier than your body's ideal body weight.

This operation aims to eliminate fat deposits that cannot be eradicated by diet and exercise. This type of stubborn fat, may be caused by dirt that is carried away from the lifestyle (the most important food). When you decide to remove fat by suctioning, you must be in good health and not a smoker.

2. Liposuction surgery is performed by a dermatologist and plastic surgeon

Liposuction surgery is most often carried out by plastic surgeons and dermatologists. A plastic surgeon plays a role in aesthetic surgery and reconstruction of the body to be suctioned. Then, a dermatologist contributes to recovery in the shape and results of the skin after surgery.

3. How liposuction surgery works

When performing surgery, the doctor will make a small incision in the skin and inject mineral-based anesthesia. This surgical technique is called the "tumescent" technique which works by preventing excessive blood loss but causing swelling and bruising in the area that is being sucked up.

After that, the doctor will insert an empty tube called the cannula into the small incision, useful to destroy fat deposits that harden and suck fat on certain body parts. The aspirated fat will be accommodated in a tube container with a brownish yellow result.

4. Laser and ultrasonic technology as the newest way

The latest techniques for liposuction today generally use laser and ultrasonic light. Both of these techniques can melt fat and make it easier to absorb or remove. This technique can also reduce bruising and swelling and accelerate recovery after fat removal surgery.

5. It takes several months to see the results

Before and after liposuction surgery, you don't immediately produce fantastic changes. You need to wear elastic bandages or special clothes that line the entire body tightly after surgery to reduce the swelling that occurs for days or even weeks. You need a strict diet to see maximum results for several months. If you gain weight after surgery, potentially high fat can appear in new and unexpected places.

6. Risk of liposuction

The core liposuction is still carried out with an operating procedure, which will definitely have a short and long-term impact on your body's health. Ask your doctor to explain all potential risks and complications that can occur.

The biggest risk that can occur is blood clots or fat clots that move through the bloodstream to the lungs or brain. More common risks are usually, the presence of bleeding, infection, bruising, discoloration of the skin, and numbness in the part that is sucked up.

7. The cost of liposuction

Before you decide to do liposuction, it's good to find out how much it will cost. Generally in Jakarta, the procedure for liposuction ranges from over 80 million rupiah, but it is still rare for health insurance to cover the risk of liposuction. Most plastic surgeons will arrange and allocate payment for the operation, but you will still pay for anesthesia, hospitalization, medication, and the risk of complications that might occur.

8. Sucked fat can be a tool for future body resistance

It turns out that discarded fat cells can be valuable in the future. That's because fat cells obtained from liposuction are very good sources of absorbed fat stem cells (good fats), these types of fat stem cells function to produce bones, cartilage, muscles, and other tissues in the body. Some early studies have shown that stem cells from fat can help people with heart disease, diabetes, and neurological diseases.

8 Liposuction Facts You Need to Know
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