9 Skin Care Myths You Must Leave


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To get healthy and youthful skin, skin care certainly needs to be done. However, your skin care may not always be right. Many people who believe in certain actual skin care myths are not true. By doing wrong skin care, the results obtained can be counterproductive, so you should avoid them. What are the wrong skin care myths? Check out the reviews.

Skin care myths that prove to be untrue

1. Shaving the hair on the face will make it thicker

This is a myth that is widely believed. However, this is actually wrong. Shaving the hair will make the ends of the hair coarser so that it appears thicker, but the amount of hair doesn't increase.

2. Exfoliation of skin can slow hair growth

If you want to get rid of facial hair then use the method waxing or shaving, not by peeling facial skin. Because, peeling facial skin targeting the skin cells on the surface of the face, not the hair follicles on the face.

3. Brushing the skin will eliminate cellulite

You may be diligent in brushing your skin, but if the goal is to get rid of cellulite, that action is futile. Because, brushing the skin will not eliminate cellulite.

4. The higher the SPF, the more protected the skin

Skin care products containing SPF can indeed protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet light. However, the higher the SPF does not mean to make your skin more protected, but to make the skin darker. Then use a product with SPF 15 or less.

5. Don't need sunscreen when it's cloudy

Cloudy weather does not mean free from the negative effects of UV rays. So keep using protective products from UV light even though the weather is cloudy.

6. Squeezing zits will cure them

Do you realize, after squeezing zits usually new pimples grow again? Yes, squeezing zits is not the solution to this one skin problem. Squeezing zits will trigger infections that spread to other areas of the skin and cause new zits.

7. The use of vitamin E cream every day will disguise scars

Research has shown that vitamin E cream does not have a beneficial effect on scars. Scientific facts prove that the use of vitamin E has no benefit for scars. One study even found that nearly one third of cases, vitamin E, caused skin irritation commonly known as contact dermatitis.

8. Sea water helps heal wounds

Sea water actually makes the wound worse. Salty salt water has long been used to treat wounds, but salt water used for this purpose must be sterile (free of bacteria), and in fact sea water is not sterile.

Water in the estuary and near rocks or rocks is very risky. Bacteria are also commonly found in oceans that are close to fisheries, mines, agriculture, waterways, and waste plants. This flow is very bad after a period of heavy rain. And tropical waters can be home to several bacteria.

9. Face cream makes skin look younger

This is true, but only if the face cream contains sunscreen. Is there scientific evidence that using regular face creams can stop your skin from aging? There is no evidence from large research experts who can support the anti-aging claim made by skin cream makers. From studies that have been done, almost all are sponsored by skin cream companies, and it is difficult for experts to take the results seriously.

However, there is one cream that will help slow the effects of aging on your skin, namely sunscreen. If you already know about skin care myths, now only you choose it.

9 Skin Care Myths You Must Leave
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