5 Most Common Symptoms of Lymph Nodes Cancer


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The body has many lymph nodes, such as in the armpit, between thighs, or thigh chin. Its function is to produce fluids containing white blood cells to prevent bacteria or viruses so that infections can be prevented. Well, in that section cancer cells can develop and the condition is known as lymphoma. What are the symptoms of lymph cancer?

Characteristics and symptoms of lymph cancer (lymphoma)

Cancer cells that attack lymph can worsen the immune system. Without treatment, the infection becomes easier to occur, causes complications, and can be fatal. For this reason you need to know how the symptoms and characteristics of lymph node cancers that generally occur so that they can be prevented and treated more quickly.

1. Fatigue

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Tired and lethargic is a sign that the body is not healthy. It is estimated that around 9 out of 10 people who have lymphoma are more prone to fatigue.

However, the level of fatigue for each patient is different, can be mild or chronic. So if you feel tired constantly, you should immediately consult a doctor and do not underestimate it.

2. Fever accompanied by shivering and night sweats

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Fever is a natural response if the body has an infection, but it can also be a sign of lymphoma. Usually lymphoma patients will experience a relatively low degree of fever, accompanied by a cold, shivering body, and the body produces a lot of sweat at night.

3. Weight loss suddenly

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Drastic weight loss suddenly without a clear cause, can be a symptom of lymphoma. People with this condition burn more energy because the body tries to fight cancer cells. Usually weight will decrease by 5 to 10 percent in one month.

4. Rash and itching

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Lymphoma can cause itchy skin and rashes. Increasingly, the skin will look scaly red or purplish. This condition often occurs in the folds of the skin and is almost similar to eczema.

Rashes and itching can cause lumps on the skin. This symptom generally occurs in the type of hodgin lymphoma and occurs because cytokine substances released by the body to fight cancer cells.

5. Chest pain or lower back

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Lymph nodes are in the thymus, which is a small organ between the lungs and sternum (sternum). If cancer cells affect the thymus, chest pain can occur.

In addition, cancer cells can also attack lymph around the lower back. This condition causes swelling and puts more pressure on the nerves of the spinal cord.

5 Most Common Symptoms of Lymph Nodes Cancer
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