Can Eye Bags Be Removed?


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Eye bags or dark circles under the eyes are things that are least liked by women, because with the eye bags, the face looks sluggish, dull, and unhealthy. Eye bags can be seen under the eyes, shaped like a bubble. Usually, eye bags can occur due to swelling caused by the buildup of fluid around the eyes, or also called periorbital edema.

What causes eye bags to form?

From a physiological and anatomical perspective, blackened eye bags under the eyes are caused by stagnant blood circulation in the area under the eyes. Due to lack of oxygen and poor blood circulation, the blood vessels under the eyes become very prominent. As a result, the protruding bottom of the eye is darker than normal skin color.

Facts and myths about eye bags

Unfortunately, until now there is still a myth or misperception that develops about the cause of eye bags. The following are some examples.

Blackened eye bags are affected by eating patterns

Unfortunately, what you eat is related to blackened eye bags; because if you lack vitamins and nutrients that are important for the body, then you are more likely to have black eye bags. In fact, consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and smoking habits can also make your blood vessels appear more prominent, thus highlighting the blackened eye bags under your eyes.

In addition, if you drink less water, you also have a greater risk of having black eye bags under your eyes.

Eye bags can still appear even if you sleep enough

You may often hear the myth; when in fact, the blackened eye bags under the eyes are caused by various factors, such as genetics, medical conditions, diet, and lifestyle. Sleep deprivation is not the main factor causing the appearance of blackened eye bags under the eyes. Even anemia, sinus, and allergies can also cause dark circles around the eyes too.

Sunlight is one of the triggers

Sun exposure will only make your skin more susceptible to eye bags because of the harmful effects of sun exposure. Moreover, one of the factors that can cause eye bags is exposure to sunlight for a long period of time. This happens because exposure to sunlight causes the production of melanin, which is a pigment that contributes to skin discoloration. This excess melanin can cause the skin to become darker. Therefore, it is not surprising if you are always recommended to wear protective glasses when exposed to sunlight.

Spices and eye creams can only cover, cannot remove

Unfortunately, spices and eye creams can only cover the blackened eye bags in a short period of time. These ingredients cannot completely remove eye bags.

Same is the case with the use of cucumbers that are commonly used by women to remove eye bags. Placing cucumber slices over closed eyes will only soothe the skin in the area under the eyes, which can reduce the activity of the capillaries in the area under the eyes and make the appearance of the eye bags much less (even if only for a while).

Although there are many products that claim to eliminate eye bags, unfortunately, there is no right medicine to completely remove blackened eye bags under the eyes.

Eye bags can be treated without surgery

The good news is that eye bags can be treated with non-surgical actions that can relax loose skin that can improve the appearance of blackened eye bags, such as laser or E-Matrix or venus freeze treatments.

In essence, when you have a black eye bag under your eyes, you need to understand the cause. Buying eye creams to treat eye bags should also be considered well because these eye creams can only disguise eye bags.

Can Eye Bags Be Removed?
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