Even though it's safe, laser hair removal has the following side effects


Medical Video: Laser Hair Removal : What Are the Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal?

Most women want to have a smooth body without excessive hair. Therefore, many ways women do to remove hair or hair on their body.There are many methods for shaving, waxing, using a hair removal cream or hair removal, and using a laser. Each of these methods certainly has advantages and disadvantages.

At present, the method of removing hair is laser or called laser hair removal is popular because of its efficacy, and the procedure is pain free. However, of course every method of removing hair has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is important to know the possible side effects before carrying out this method.

What is that laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a method of removing hair using a laser. The laser technician will use a powerful beam of light from the laser to destroy the root of the feather. The light energy will be absorbed by the dark color of the hair and turned into heat energy which is then channeled to the hair roots. That way the hair growth will stop and the hair will fall naturally.

This is the most effective method for those who want long hair removal. This method can be done for any part of the body, but it is not effective if it is used on light-colored or blonde feathers.

Laser hair removal will require 6-12 treatments to achieve the final result. You may need to do this method again every 6-12 months for treatment.

Laser hair removal does not guarantee permanent results. Some hair can withstand laser treatment and grow again after treatment, although usually this new hair growth will be smoother and with a more faded color.

The possible side effects of laser hair removal

Laser hair removal relatively safe. However, just like other medical treatments, this procedure still has side effects or risks that might occur. The most common side effects of laser hair removal include:

  • Skin irritation. Removing hair with laser hair removal can cause skin irritation, redness of the skin, and swelling in the area that the procedure does. However, this effect is temporary or will disappear within a few hours.
  • Changes in skin pigments. After doing this procedure, your skin may change color to slightly darker or brighter. However, like skin irritation, this change is temporary and is usually not a problem.

Side effects that rarely occur after a laser hair removal procedure are the appearance of blisters, scars, or other skin texture changes. Other rare problems that can occur include gray hair or excessive hair growth.

Laser hair removal not recommended for eyelids or surrounding areas, because of the possibility of severe eye injuries. Call your doctor immediately if you experience symptoms other than mild irritation or if the side effects worsen.

Can pregnant women do laser hair removal?

This procedure is not recommended for pregnant women, because there are no studies that prove the safety of the procedure laser hair removal during pregnancy. Usually pregnant women need this procedure to remove excess hair that grows during pregnancy such as in the breast or abdomen. However, in most cases, this hair will fall out on its own, so you don't need this procedure.

If you want to remove hair with this procedure, you should wait until after giving birth. Your doctor will likely recommend that you wait several weeks after giving birth.

Even though it's safe, laser hair removal has the following side effects
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