Need to use Face Oil for Facial Skin Care?


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You diligently wash your face, use moisturizers morning and night, and sunscreen. That's enough for the skin, right? Not always - you can give more good to the skin by just adding one product to your skincare ritual: face oil. Not sure what's the use for facial beauty? Read on to find out more.

The benefits of using a face oil as part of daily skincare

Even though it's called oil, face oil is safe and useful for all skin types. Face oil is a product that is intended to remove dirt and dead skin cells that clog the pores, as well as healthy skin condition. Here are some benefits of oil for facial skin beauty

1. Making other products work better

Applying a face oil before a moisturizing cream can encourage the skin to more effectively absorb the active ingredients from the moisturizer, so the benefits can last longer and reduce the risk of irritation.

To prevent the appearance of zits, you can use a face oil that contains argan oil, jojoba, tea tree, or almonds.

2. Completing the essential fatty acids needed by the skin

In order to always look supple and brightly radiant, the skin needs the intake of essential fatty acids. But the body cannot produce its own fatty acids. With this oil, fatty acid intake for the skin can be fulfilled. Essential fatty acids keep cells that are susceptible to damage and dehydration and keep your skin supple.

An example is the face oil from almond seeds which contains omega-3 fatty acids to moisturize the skin, and is suitable for sensitive skin.

3. Repair the skin

Inflammation is the main cause of skin aging. Extreme temperatures, sunlight radiation, pollution, and stress can trigger inflammation. Oil from grain extracts used in face oil can help seal the moisture of the skin.

Other than that, face oilprovide fat intake from outside to protect the skin from attacks by free radicals and accelerate the process of skin regeneration. Argan oil, for example, is an oil that is ideal for curing irritated skin that is susceptible to anti-aging products such as retinol creams or containing alpha hydroxy. Geranium oil is also useful to reduce redness irritation. Coconut oil can overcome dry scaly skin problems.

3. Reduces wrinkles

The natural aging process and exposure to solar UV radiation can remove the skin's natural moisture, making it vulnerable to dehydrated skin. Dehydration of the skin can cause fine lines and wrinkles. To reduce it, you can use primrose oil or vitamin E. However, if your skin type is slightly oily, use oil containing grape seed extract.

4. Minimize facial pores

Oils made from macadamia, jojoba, and camelia bean extracts are effective face oil choices for stretching dirt that clogs pores while simultaneously shrinking pores.

How to use it?

Make sure the facial oil products that you use are in accordance with skin conditions.

The benefits of this oil will be more effective if used on a clean face. So, make sure that you wash your face before using a face oil. Then, drop 1-2 drops of oil on the palm of the hand and rub evenly on the palm. Wipe the oil evenly throughout the face and gently massage. Let stand a few minutes so that the oil absorbs more then use moisturizer

Need to use Face Oil for Facial Skin Care?
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