4 Causes of Your Body Itching When Exercising


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Exercise is a healthy activity and should make the body feel fresher. However, some people actually feel itchy bodies during exercise. Instead of feeling the benefits of exercise, you are even busy scratching your body and cannot focus on exercising properly.

Itching that occurs when exercising can be felt differently for everyone, from mild to severe and unbearable. This strange thing can occur anywhere in the body, such as on the scalp, face, neck, shoulders, armpits, elbows, and chest. What does it mean if the body is itchy during exercise? Well, it's important for you to know exactly what causes itching. This way, you can get proper treatment and get back to sports comfortably.

Various causes of itchy body during exercise

Dry skin

Dry skin, dry weather, and low air humidity are the causes of itchy bodies when the sports are most often reported. Don't get me wrong, even when you have dry skin problems, you can still attack. Especially if you exercise in a windy place. The skin will dry more easily and experience irritation.

If this is the reason, you can simply use a moisturizer before exercising. In addition, it will certainly be better if you keep the skin moist on a regular basis.


Other causes of itching when exercising are soap, lotions, cosmetics, or detergents that you are just trying to cause an allergic reaction to the skin.

If the itching you experience coincides with when you use a new product or you use clothes that are washed with a brand new detergent, you should try to stop using it and see if there is a change or not. If indeed the product is the cause, stop using it immediately.

In very rare cases, a person can experience an allergic reaction to the sweat produced by his own body. If you don't find the cause of your allergies, see a doctor immediately.

Histamine release

The latest theory suggests that itching during exercise is the result of histamine being released when exercising. Histamine is one of the natural substances in the body whose function is to dilate blood vessels. When exercising, your blood vessels will indeed widen so that the body gets enough oxygen and blood supply.

Unfortunately in some people, histamine can cause an itchy sensation in all or certain parts of the body. If you are just starting to exercise, maybe you don't feel itchy too much. Professional athletes usually take antihistamines before exercise to reduce itching. But if the itching is very severe, you should take a rest for a week until the itching decreases.

Side effects of drugs

Some drugs are known to have side effects, namely itching during exercise. Some of these classes of drugs are antibiotics, painkillers, and diuretic drugs. In fact, these drugs include drugs that are often prescribed by doctors. If you suspect the cause of itching is the medication you are taking, consult your medication with your doctor and pharmacist.

Don't scratch the part of your itchy skin. This can make the symptoms worse and can cause injuries that are susceptible to infection. Use cold compresses or cool ointments on your itchy skin. If you experience a very severe itchy reaction, even an anaphylactic reaction (shortness of breath and blood pressure drops dramatically), seek medical help immediately because this is a serious condition.

4 Causes of Your Body Itching When Exercising
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