Tips to Train Children to Learn to Walk in Accordance with their Developmental Age


Medical Video: Baby and Toddler Milestones, Dr. Lisa Shulman

During the first year, your child will gradually develop the coordination and strength of the muscles in his body. This ability generally starts from learning to sit, crawl, stand up, and finally be able to walk. Talking about walking, most toddlers have started to be able to walk without help at the age of 15 months, although often with imperfect steps. So, how do you train children to learn the way? Find out the tips in this article.

How to train children to learn the way

You really don't need to worry too much if your baby takes longer to walk. Because the development of the ability of every child to be able to walk is not the same.

As long as there are no physical abnormalities in the child, especially in the legs, slow walking is still normal. Sometimes children cannot learn to walk because they need to be motivated and stimulated to be brave enough to take their first steps. Well, here are some tips that can be done to stimulate and train your little one to immediately be able to walk depending on the development of his age.

1. Learn to sit

At the age of around 4 months, your child can begin to sit even though still with help, and at the age of 6 months babies are generally able to sit alone. You can help your child to sit when he is in a recumbent position by pulling his hands together and resting on them.

To attract his attention, invite him to play by using a game that is interesting, such as rolling the ball towards him or doing stacking-composing games to encourage him to strengthen his back muscles and coordinate.

2. Crawl

At the age of 6 to 10 months, the little one starts to crawl to try to take various objects around him by crawling using the stomach or push up position.

Crawling is an important phase because it indirectly trains the movements of the arms and legs of the child at the same time. Well, take advantage of this stage by placing a toy object that is a little away from it to encourage the little one to move towards it.

3. Learning to lift himself up

When the baby enters the age of 8 months, he will become stronger and more curious. At this stage he will begin to withdraw himself with the support of goods and people around him. Well, this stage is the right time to teach balance and make it accustomed to standing position. You can help the person pull his body when he is ready in a position to stand.

When your child wants to sit back, teach him how to bend his knees to return to a sitting position. Lunging will help your child reduce the risk of falling when he starts learning to walk. However, remember! You must be patient because bending the knee is a difficult thing for the baby.

4. Walk with help

When you are 9 to 10 months old, help your child get used to standing up straight without being held for half a minute. If the baby sits down, his motivation to get up stands alone. You can train them to step their feet while holding their hands. If it's possible, let your little one hold your hand as a handle to walk.

In addition to being assisted by you, usually at this stage your little one will try to propagate on the wall or furniture around it. You can place your little one in his sleep box, guide them to stand by holding on to the wall box and guide him to walk along it. Always accompany them when learning to walk in a baby crib to ensure safety.

5. The first step

When your child is able to stand without help, it means he already has a balance that can be his provisions to get to his first step. The first step is the most important moment for your child who needs a lot of praise and encouragement. That's why, don't forget to give support and praise when your little one has started his first step.

The first step in babies usually occurs at the age of 9 to 12 months. You can stimulate your baby's steps by holding his hand when walking, then release his grip slowly until he is in a stable position and can walk a few steps forward.

When your baby falls, encourage him to start walking again. Help him stand again, then stretch out your hands like you want to hug him. Now, when your little one walks closer to your helping hand, you should step back slowly so he can step more. Over time, the little one can finally run smoothly when he is 12-18 months.

Things that must be considered in training children to learn the way

Here are some things that must be considered in training children to learn the way.

  • Generally, parents buy children baby walker to help and make it easy for your child to learn the way to stay safe. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) does not recommend use baby walker for children. This is use baby walker it can actually inhibit the growth of the muscles of his legs. Not only that,baby walker it can also harm your little one because this tool can make it go around reaching anything.
  • Walk with bare feet - plug, can help him achieve the balance and coordination of your little one. So, it is better to postpone the use of shoes for children who cannot walk.
  • Make sure your baby has a safe environment for practicing walking. Keeping the floor space clean will help him learn to walk easily.
  • Remove glass objects or glass displays from the table or those within the child's reach. The goal is that the learning process runs safely.
  • Try to remove the child from the sling as often as possible so that the leg muscles are more agile. That way, the child's hopes of walking quickly can be realized.

Keep in mind, baby development is not the same. They will be able to walk at different times and vary due to the influence of their weight or personality.

Even though it's difficult, try not to feel frustrated or disappointed if your baby can't walk perfectly in its development. You may worry when your child can't stand when he is one year old or can't even walk when he is two years old. Immediately consult a doctor to find out the cause.

Tips to Train Children to Learn to Walk in Accordance with their Developmental Age
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